z Cottage by the Sea : The Gathering Storm..
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Gathering Storm..

Welcome to another end of the week with Friday Foto Friends, which as I write this is not up yet and Sky Watch Friday 
 I hope your week has been a good one. Mine certainly seemed to fly on by rather quickly.
Weather is still rather chilly and very windy the last day or so with rain storms on and off.  Nothing unusual for this time of year, but a huge off shore Nor'Easter is churning up the Atlantic something fierce.
All photos are taken in my neighborhood.  I hope you enjoy them.

My daughter had business in Chicago and arrived home at 3AM last night because of a huge storm off the coast that had high winds holding up flights to the east coast for hours.
But even in storms the sky has its own special charms.

 While the photo above is real and taken as a storm was approaching, I painted in the lightning for dramatic effect.

As evening settles in the promise of a storm looks more real with every passing moment.

Saturday 9 will be up on Sat. morning. I hope you will join in as well.


  1. Hi Annie, I always enjoy your pictures. I like how you added the lightning. Have a great weekend!

  2. I'm so glad your daughter got home safely, even if it was late. Your lightning painting is so realistic! We woke up to a thunderstorm with much lightning this morning at 5 am. That was unusual, but then again, it is April, and anything is possible! We need the rain, so we are glad for it...Praying the nor'easter doesn't do any serious kind of damage. Have a blessed weekend.

    1. The nor'easter is out to sea and we got some residual rain and tons of wind but not a direct hit at all, thank goodness. :) Glad you like the lightning painting. :)

  3. Thank goodness your daughter came home safe Annie. The storm photos are fantastic especially your artwork on the lightening. Have a blessed day ahead dear friend. I'm incapacitated with a wrenched back again.

  4. Beautiful photos Ann. Very dramatic skies. So glad your daughter made it home safely.

  5. Awesome skies! It's always interesting overhead, no matter the weather.

  6. I love your awesome SkyWatch blogpost. The photos are so dramatic and real that I can feel the atmosphere... The "painted" lightening is brilliant. Your last photo... I love the sun-red in it.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I reacted back there.

  7. That looks like quite a wild storm, beautiful pictures! There is just something so amazing about watching the storm clouds from inside a safe place. Truly incredible beauty to see!


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