z Cottage by the Sea : Thinking About It
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Thinking About It

Thanks to Toni, we have the Tuesday 4 meme to look forward to each week. I hope you are joining in. Its a community affair!

 Link up here

Think About It!

1.   What is your favorite thing to wear?
 I like Tee shirts and sweatshirts  as they are very comfortable. I like to wear leggings too.

2.   What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground?
Depends on the situation and where it is, how old it is. and other circumstances around it.

3.   What items couldn't you go without during the day?
Water, food, bathroom, my office.

4.   What should you be doing right now?
Making myself something to eat and maybe a cup of coffee.
 I slept in late this morning and just getting started with my day.


April has begun and it is known for rain storms that bring May flowers. Today, though, is sunny outside and 45°F .
Do you know how to make a degree symbol on your computer?  Hold down alt and type 248 at the same time. Voila..  ° appears!  Just a little FYI.
 Tomorrow is Haiku day... maybe ;)


  1. I am trying to type the degree thing like you said, but it doesn't work on this comment section. I'll have to try it somewhere else. I've often wondered how to do that. We finally had some good rain yesterday and today, and I am so relieved. I am praying the pollen is pretty well gone from the air and I can go outside again. I also wear t-shirts and mostly cropped pants, unless it is cold, then I wear jeans (outside) and sweat pants inside. I like to stay very comfy at home. I agree with your #2 answer...if it was outside on the ground where there was no way to contact anyone who might have dropped it, I would consider it a gift. If it was outside a store or restaurant, etc., I would most likely go and contact customer service and ask them if anyone had notified them that they lost it. #3 I agree... #4. Time to start cooking supper...bye now.

    1. ° it can be done here , or on my computer anyway. Hold down the alt and simultaneously type in 248. It should work for you :)

    2. Do you have to push all the keys at the same time?

  2. I live in my leggings, they are just so comfy! Love your answers! Have a great Tuesday!

  3. It was in the 70's here today, so recess was wonderful...I hope that weather makes it's way to you too! Loved your answers! Happy Tuesday!


  4. I learned alt 0186 for º interesting. I didn't know both of them did that....cool!

  5. Hi Annie, Your answers are always right on my friend. It only hit 40 here but at least the sun was out. Have a blessed day ahead my friend.


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