z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Photos
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Friday Photos

T       ime for Friday Fotos and SkyWatch Friday.
Here are a few photos I took during the week.

 A lovely evening sky by the bay.

 The mountain pinks surround the little pond and are a riot of bright deep pink color.

Peeper frogs hang out in the little pond.

 The Rhododendron is just beginning to bloom.

The White Mountain Pinks are fading out.  Last week they were thick and beautiful.

Wisteria hangs over the big pond. Behind it is Scotch Broom.. see that hint of yellow?

 This little fellow's head bobs. He hangs out on my  desk. His name is Rodney.

 My daughter is in Toronto on business until the weekend. She arrived there today.
 This is the view from her balcony.

I'll be joining with Saturday 9 and Sunday Stealing as well. Come back!
If not.. have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Love all the flowers, little pond, evening sky and beautiful Toronto city. But my favorite is Rodney LOL! Have a blessed day ahead dear Annie.

  2. Wonderful shots. I like those pink flowers.

  3. Although I came to look at your lovely evening sky, I like your garden pictures too. We've got a smaal pond in our garden as well, it brings extra life in the garden.

  4. You have a beautiful pond and garden! I've never been to Toronto. Didn't realize it has such an impressive skyline. Have a happy weekend!


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