z Cottage by the Sea : Secret Love.
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, May 17, 2019

Secret Love.

Hello Friends and welcome to another Saturday 9. I hope you are joining in with us this week.

Secret Love

Secret Love (1953)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

Rest in peace, Doris Day (1922-2019)

1) In this song Doris admits she's spoken to the stars, "the way dreamers often do." Do you often daydream?

Yes, I daydream. I think most of us do.

2) What's the last secret you kept? (It doesn't have to be romantic.)

I keep a lot of secrets for people. I don't talk about them though because they were told in confidence.

3) While "Secret Love" was one of Miss Day's best-selling records, and the song won an Oscar, she did not perform it at the Academy Awards Ceremony. She said she was just too nervous to sing it live before an international television audience and an auditorium full of entertainment professionals. When did you last suffer an attack of nerves?
Going into surgery on my spine. I was very nervous.

4) Doris' well-publicized attack of Oscar stage fright was unexpected because she began her career as a band singer, performing before live audiences every night. But she reportedly did develop more phobias over the years, including a fear of flying. Is there anything that scares you now, as an adult, that didn't frighten you as a child?
I think as an adult you come to realize what is dangerous and see how you were ignorant of some dangers.

5) Doris Day made 39 movies between 1948 and 1968. She said one of her favorite things about film making was working with costume designers on her wardrobe. Do you enjoy shopping for clothes?

No, I don't enjoy clothes shopping. I do enjoy every other kind though.

6) Doris confessed that when she had to lose weight for a role, she gave up ice cream. If we checked your freezer, would we find any ice cream?

 No ice cream, no cookies, no desserts of any sort.

7) In 1985 she hosted a cable show called Doris Day's Best Friends. She used the show as a platform to promote pet adoptions and animal welfare. Most of the guests were celebrity friends who reportedly donated their salaries for appearing on the show to Doris' pet foundation. Did you more recently ask a friend for a favor, or perform a favor for a friend?

I asked my daughter to help me change the sheets on my bed. I do that every week. Its a big job for me alone as I have to drag a chair all around the bed to do it since I have to sit down to tuck in the sheets as I can't bend.

8) For more than 20 years, Doris co-owned the Cypress Inn in Carmel, CA. The Inn expects to continue on without her, and maintain the pet-friendly policies she introduced. Have you ever traveled with your dog or cat?

Yes I used to take my dog Sandy, a Scottish Terrier, everywhere with me.

9) Random question: What's the last thing you complained about?

 Since I am doing this on Friday afternoon, it would be how fast the lawn has grown from all the rain  lately.

Come back tomorrow for Sunday Stealing, won't you? Would love to have you visit and let me know your answers.


  1. If you are going to be a nervous wreck, spine surgery seems like a very likely thing to be nervous about. I know I would be!
    Grrr...the rain! I was hoping for good weather this weekend since I am off so I could get the grass mowed and pull weeds in the garden boxes and flower beds. It's looking pretty iffy. I might get the weeds pulled, but I don't know that the grass will have time to dry enough between rains.

  2. Oh mercy! Spine surgery! I truly sympathize with you on changing the sheets because our bed is very difficult to change the sheets and just can't imagine not being able to bend. So glad you have your daughter to help. It is supposed to rain here today, bring severe storms and hail, which I am hoping doesn't happen.

  3. I hear ya on #9.... we had that much rain (yet, its coming in later today), but the little we had over the last week has made the grass grow ridiculously fast! Hoping the hubs and get it cut and his car worked on before the rain does move in later today!

  4. WOW, I wish I had your will power. I have to have something sweet everyday.. even if it just a candy kiss or (2) Have a blessed weekend!

  5. I identified with so many of your answers! Yes, surgery had me in a panic! I almost started crying I was so scared. The way you explained #4 is what I was going for also. That is what I think happened to me too. I can bend, but I do have a bad back and it hurts to make the bed. It is hard. My husband helps me with that. I loved your answers! Have a great weekend!


  6. Do you often daydream?

    Yes. The other day I dreamt I was at a management meeting at work. When I woke up ... I was!!!

    God bless.

  7. Surgery is nerve wracking. That must be a burden, not being able to bend. I have trouble with the bed now, too. My husband has to help me.


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