z Cottage by the Sea : Neighborhood Pictures
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, May 31, 2019

Neighborhood Pictures

My blog began as a place for me to keep some pictures, poems, stories and things I want to remember in years to come. It contains a record of milestones, weather, and things I found important on an everyday level.
I took some phone photos this week which was alternately cold and warm, rainy and sunny. The grand solar minimum we are going through is having a profound effect on earth with volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, earthquakes and even physically and mentally on the human/animal population. Solar winds have been 1.25 million miles per hour! Imagine that? Or, so they tell us. Since science is iffy at best, who really knows for sure?

Here are my photos for this week all taken right in my own neighborhood.
Joining with SkyWatch Friday again this week.

This little guy lives in my front porch planter. I have one on each railing of the little porch.
He is losing his pants as he crawls into the little  tunnel, poor little guy.

 Below is a view from the back porch of a quarter of the backyard. A snippet of the big pond can be seen, covered over with netting and one of the Wisteria plants. Another Wisteria grows on the old awning skeleton over the porch and in the background to the left is a huge beach rose in bloom.
The bay is to the left straight on. straight ahead are creeks that flow into the bay to the left. The ocean is also to the left on the other side of the barrier island.
Mr. Alligator swims happily in the grass, warning off the herons.

Join me tomorrow for Saturday 9, won't you?


  1. I love that you are so close to the ocean and the bay. You have such interesting foliage around you. I love your little leprechaun boy in the planter. He's a cutie pie. I'm sure he makes you smile whenever you pass by. Have a wonderful weekend. We are praying for rain. It is so hot and dry here, the ground is brittle and crackly. We need rain very badly.

  2. I enjoyed the trip around your neighborhood Annie! Thank you! I too live on the coast but in Australia.
    That tidbit about solar winds was very interesting.

    You're most welcome to join me for a cuppa,

  3. Lovely shots! The first one made me laugh out loud.

  4. That alligator would scare the living life out of me, lolol. Have a lovely day friend.

  5. I'm laughing like at your first photo and absolutely love the rest except the "gater" LOL! Have a blessed day dear Annie.

    1. Forgive the typo "like" it wasn't supposed to be in the comment.


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