Sunday, June 23, 2019

Happiness Is

Hello friends.  I am not feeling these questions from Sunday Stealing today. I am not big on questions that make me think of platitudes you hear from people all the time. By platitudes I mean  "Money doesn't buy happiness" kind of junk.  Well, if you can't afford  necessary medicine or food or a roof over your head, you would soon change your mind.  It is all well and good to spiel off the platitudes when it isn't you who are hurting or in trouble. or when someone asks for help and all they get from people is a stupid quote.
But Sunday Stealing by Bev do make you think, don't they?  Thanks Bev.. Now, here we go:

This song is happy!

1. Are you a happy person?
 Much of the time I am okay. Sometimes not as happy as other times.. Like everyone I find up and downs in life.

2. What is happiness for you?
Good health, decent income,family, friends, things to do but it varies. It changes like all of life.

3. What do you think is the color of happiness?
It isn't a color but I will say green anyway.

4. Can money buy happiness?
Yes. It can. Contrary to what many think you will not be happy if you can't afford the basic necessities of life, decent health care etc.   There is an spiritual happiness that money can't buy but it is difficult to be little merry sunshine kind of happy when you hurt or are dirt poor.

5. Is happiness a state of mind?
To some extent.   Look, we are human beings, not god beings . We live wrapped in a physical body that effects us greatly. We have physical needs that must be met. So, while you can think "happy, happy, joy, joy "all you want, that often doesn't cut it. You can determine to be happy but it may be an uphill battle for some people.  It varies.

6. What are three things that make you happy?  family, good times,being outside.

7. Does having a pet make you happy?
It can.

8. When was the happiest time of your childhood?
 When I was having a good time being outside.

9. Can you be happy if you are rich?
Of course you can.

10. Do you think happiness lies within you or does it depend on other people and external things?
It is in a lot of places which all combine to create an atmosphere around and in you.

11. Are single people happy?
 Ask them.  There is no blanket answer to stuff like this.

12, What is the effect that animals/pets have on people to make them feel happy
As with all these questions,  it is subjective and depends on the individual.

13.  Can you be happy if you are poor?
This question is commonly asked and i find it a way for people to ignore the poor and suffering and to ignore doing something to help.  "You can be poor but happy". Baloney. Give them money, food, housing and good health care. 
King David asked God to let him have enough money so he wasn't tempted to steal but not so much that he would forget God.   People have real, actual physical needs. 

14.  What is there to be happy about in today’s world?
Lots of things are better now than they have ever been. Some things are worse.
     The internet is something to be happy about and the flow of information... well it was until the censorship began with Google and YouTube and Twitter began shutting down anyone they don't agree with.
Nature is something to enjoy and be happy enjoying.
The world is a big place. Some have food, some don't. Some have peace, some don't. Some have health, some don't.   Each person has their own times of happiness or sadness.

15.  How happy are you compared with your friends.
   I don't know. Can't judge how happy others are or aren't.


  1. Happy Sunday Annie. You are so right on with every one of your answers, I think #15 is my favorite. Today is one of those days I didn't feel like blogging. I have my up and down days too. Have a day of blessings my friend.

  2. I agree...and to tell you the truth, since I do agree with you I won't be answering the questions. Since I am one of the very poor (150% below the poverty line according to government standards)--I can tell you that sometimes we have to make choices about medicine, food, bills etc. Happiness can be made regardless of the situation your in, jmo of course.

  3. Brilliantly Answered - Have A Wonderful Day My New Happy Friend


  4. Great answers Annie! Have a nice Sunday!

  5. I love Pharrell... he is precious and this song is wonderful.. thanks for sharing it!

  6. Very good and thoughtful answers here. I enjoyed them and agree though expressed it better.

  7. Nice answers, Love them. Are you still happy to 'play/be" outside?

  8. Different situations in life determine our mindset. I'm not always happy, but I always try to be. I try to overcome the negatives and enjoy the positives. Most of the time I'm successful.


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