z Cottage by the Sea : More Stealing on Sunday.. Uh oh.
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, June 15, 2019

More Stealing on Sunday.. Uh oh.

Okay you incredible and beautiful people, it is Sunday and, of course, that means we have to steal.
Yes, it is the law and there is no way around it.

Questions from Facebook:


    Last beverage: unsweetened ice tea
    Last phone call:   canceling lunch. I was too wiped out.
    Last text message:    about dinner in a rose garden or on the beach. We settled on the rose garden.
    Last song you listened to:     Rocky Mountain High ..John Denver
    Last time you cried:        not that long  ago


    Been cheated on:      Yes.Several times actually.
    Kissed someone & regretted it:       Yes
    Lost someone special:         Yes, quite a few times.
    Been depressed:               been  down but not depressed
    Drunk hard liquor:           Yes
    Lost glasses/contacts       My prescription sunglasses fell in the pond a long while back.


    Last time you saw your mother:   the end of Yom Kippur, 1997

    Have you ever talked to a person named Tom              Yes several of them.

    Most visited Webpages :
News sites 

    Will you be celebrating Fathers day?       No, my father has passed on.

    When did you first realize you were an adult?   I don't really know but maybe never.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Giggling over the last statement...the ToysrUs song comes to mind, smiles. I hope you have a lovely day my friend.

  2. I have a hard time keeping up with my sunglasses. I do a little better with my prescription sunglasses, but I have lost those too. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


  3. Kind of with you there on the "maybe never" part of being an adult.

  4. I feel sort of like you on that last one. What's the saying? "Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional." I like John Denver's music a lot. It takes me right back to the 70s when my family lived in a wildlife preserve.

  5. How terrible to lose your presciption glasses that way.. rather a sinking feeling, Id say!! I'd love to hear a bit of John Denver... "you tube here I come!"

    1. hahahaha! Love it. Yes, truly a sinking feeling as I watched them dive into the deep end of the pond. Drat it all.

  6. Great answers to stolen questions Annie. :) A day late in visiting. Have a blessed evening.

  7. Hello , there !
    Interesting questions...and answers...dinner in a rose garden sounds lovely !
    Thank you for your candor...so glad you are my friend !


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