Friday, July 5, 2019

Fourth of July Photos

We had a wonderful sunny, warm 4rth of July complete with cool breezes, good food and great fireworks on the water.
Sorry, a bit blurry. People have boat parties in our cove. A few friends anchor together and talk, play music.. in this case "Chicken Fried" and a good time had by all.

Waiting for the fireworks to begin.

 a panorama of the sky in the afternoon. click to see full size.

The bay as night comes on

beautiful summer sunset.

Tomorrow is Saturday 9. Will you join in ?


  1. Beautiul...I know, I keep saying that, but its true, smiles.

  2. I really hope to live somewhere near the beach. It will surely give me calmness everytime I would end the night. Happy Weekend!

  3. Love your header! How far are you from NYC?

  4. Lovely photos...I'd love to live in your header serene !
    Had a wonderful 4th...good friends , good food and fireworks , both incendiary
    and natural (fireflies !!!) . It was so nice to be in a central spot to see the
    displays from multiple towns and homes...beautiful across the bay...
    such a special time .

  5. A party on a boat in the harbor sounds perfect to me! Heck, anywhere with a view of the ocean is perfect. Glad your 4th was a good one.

  6. Such wonderful photos Annie. Your header is the only fireworks I got to see. Without cable I don't see any on TV anymore and none at my complex. So yesterday was just another day for me. I'm so glad you had a perfect 4th my friend. Have a blessed evening.


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