Friday, July 5, 2019

Anerica the Beautiful

America, the Beautiful 

Unfamiliar with Frank Sinatra's 1945 version of this song? Hear it here. 

1) In 2016, a group recommended that this week's song replace "The Star Spangled Banner" as our national anthem. They maintain it's just as beautiful but easier to sing. How do you feel about this?

Once you know the true story behind the Star Spangled Banner, you could never have another song.

2) Katharine L. Bates said her lyrics were inspired by a trip to Pike's Peak. What's the most beautiful
American spot you've ever visited?
All if it. Just completely all of it.

3) The music was written by organist Samuel Augustus Ward. Both Bates and Ward were very formal when signing their names professionally -- she including her middle initial and he with his full middle name. How about you? When you sign checks or documents, do you use your middle name or initial?
On somethings yes, somethings no.

4) In 1945, when this version of the song was recorded, America lost Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Frank Sinatra said, "I lost a hero." What late, great American hero from our past would you like to honor today?
John F. Kennedy

5) Also in 1945, a 19-year-old "hoofer" waited outside the Los Angeles radio station where Sinatra was being interviewed. That was the beginning of the friendship between Sammy Davis, Jr., and Frank Sinatra. Tell us about your oldest friend.
As funny as some may think it is to say, God is my oldest and best friend ever. I've known him since I was a toddler and perhaps before and He is the one who is always there, always loving, never disappointing. I simply cannot list a human who has been with me longer.

6) The Fourth of July means we're in the middle of summer. Are you careful about applying sunscreen?
No.  I use sun blocker in the form of clear zinc oxide.

7) Mosquito bites can be a major summer annoyance. Are you scratching any itches right now?
Yes, yellow fly bites and maybe spider bite.
 More burning than itching.

8) Emergency rooms report an increase in wrist injuries in summer, with people falling off bikes and skateboards and jamming their wrists catching hard-hit softballs. Have you  been to the ER or Urgent Care during 2019?
No, thank God.

9) New York is home to Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest every year on the 4th. Will hot dogs be consumed in your household this weekend?

No, too much sodium but I do love them.


  1. I'm with you on all of America being beautiful. Each area has it's own unique something so how to say one is more beautiful than another?

  2. So many beautiful places to visit... Have a great Saturday!

  3. I wrote on someone else's post that without the war this song references, we would all be singing "Hail to the Queen." I am so grateful for the strong, inspiring people who made this country great. I enjoyed your comments today and yes, our nation has amazing beauty from sea to shining sea!

  4. Well, I LOVE all your answers, especially the one about our oldest friend. You summed things up quite well in your brief answers. Every place in our country has its own unique beauty.

  5. I agree with you on #1! I do not really want a national anthem about how pretty our country is, but one on how we can take care of ourselves. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  6. Love your answer for #5. Hope you ahve a wonderful weekend!!!

  7. Hmm. I have never heard of a yellow fly. That's a new insect for me. Must not be a Virginia thing. I hope they clear up soon!

  8. Nice post. I really enjoy reading it. Very instructive, keep on writing.Thanks for sharing.

  9. The video with #1 always brings me to tears...of pride in their patriotism , their bravery and sacrifice .
    Oh , that we all would rely on God's guidance and provision , without division...stand up for each other and build together the world He wants for war , no greed nor strife...sigh...
    Thank you for interesting , thought-provoking posts !
    Be well , my friend !


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