Monday, July 1, 2019

If you Could You Would

If You Could Only... You Would

1.   If you could only choose any place on earth to would?

I would live near the sea in Massachusetts.  Maybe it would be  Nantucket or Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard.

2.   If you could only buy anything you ever would?

 Buy a house that I actually chose and furniture I chose, rather than stuff I fell into.

3.   If you could only do whatever your heart would?

Find a good man.

4.   If you could only write a great novel about (any genre) would?

Write a great mystery novel  in the style of Agatha Christie who is the best.

 Click Toni's graphic above to join in the questionnaire.

Another post tomorrow...


  1. I like your answers. To write a mystery novel in the style of Agatha Christie would be a fine thing.

  2. A good man is hard to find...{{sigh}}...hope you do someday. I've never been to the northeast, the places you would like to live I've only seen in pictures. A pretty place to live, hope you get to do that someday too!

  3. Hi Annie. Your #4 is almost like mine. I too mentioned Agatha Christie. Nantucket and Cape Cod are beautiful places. I loved visiting both. Enjoyed reading your answers. Have a blessed day my friend.

  4. Cape Cod is an area I would love to visit!! Have a great Tuesday!!

  5. Have you rqd Susan Branches books... She lives on Martha's Vinyard and her autobiographical books esp the one about MV are wonderful.. Yu would love her books, I think!!!

  6. YES on #2!!! My husband had bought our house already when we got married. We are still here. It is almost paid off now though. UGH! I loved your answers! Have a nice Tuesday!

  7. Good Morning , my friend !
    Good questions...great answers !
    When it all boils down , it is the simple , basic things that make us happy .
    I wish you all those things and more...SOON !!!


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