z Cottage by the Sea : If you Could You Would
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, July 1, 2019

If you Could You Would

If You Could Only... You Would

1.   If you could only choose any place on earth to live.....you would?

I would live near the sea in Massachusetts.  Maybe it would be  Nantucket or Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard.

2.   If you could only buy anything you ever wanted.....you would?

 Buy a house that I actually chose and furniture I chose, rather than stuff I fell into.

3.   If you could only do whatever your heart desires.....you would?

Find a good man.

4.   If you could only write a great novel about (any genre).....you would?

Write a great mystery novel  in the style of Agatha Christie who is the best.

 Click Toni's graphic above to join in the questionnaire.

Another post tomorrow...


  1. I like your answers. To write a mystery novel in the style of Agatha Christie would be a fine thing.

  2. A good man is hard to find...{{sigh}}...hope you do someday. I've never been to the northeast, the places you would like to live I've only seen in pictures. A pretty place to live, hope you get to do that someday too!

  3. Hi Annie. Your #4 is almost like mine. I too mentioned Agatha Christie. Nantucket and Cape Cod are beautiful places. I loved visiting both. Enjoyed reading your answers. Have a blessed day my friend.

  4. Cape Cod is an area I would love to visit!! Have a great Tuesday!!

  5. Have you rqd Susan Branches books... She lives on Martha's Vinyard and her autobiographical books esp the one about MV are wonderful.. Yu would love her books, I think!!! https://www.susanbranch.com/

  6. YES on #2!!! My husband had bought our house already when we got married. We are still here. It is almost paid off now though. UGH! I loved your answers! Have a nice Tuesday!


  7. Good Morning , my friend !
    Good questions...great answers !
    When it all boils down , it is the simple , basic things that make us happy .
    I wish you all those things and more...SOON !!!


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