z Cottage by the Sea : Secret Agent Man

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Secret Agent Man

Hi friends and hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Secret Agent Man
Welcome to Saturday: 9.  "What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!"

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 Secret Agent Man (1966)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) This is the theme of a TV show that ran on CBS from 1964-1967. The series was produced, and originally aired, in England. The BBC has shared many shows with American audiences over the years. Can you name another?
The latest is probably  The Office

2) The show is about John Drake, a special agent dedicated to exposing plots that threaten world peace. A quick check of Netflix and Good  Reads reveals that spy stories are just as popular today. Is espionage a genre you enjoy? Do you read books, or watch shows and movies, about spies?
I enjoyed the spy series about Jason Bourne, but otherwise I am not interested in it much at all.  I haven't seen the  Mission Impossible movies but I would probably like them.

3) The lyrics tell us Drake travels from the Riviera to Bombay. Where were you when you last spent the night away from home? Why were you there (vacation, business, international intrigue)?

Last night away from home for anything fun etc was in Prince Edward Island, Canada.

4) The refrain states, "They've given you a number and taken away your name." In today's digital world, that could now be said of all of us. Are you good at remembering your computer passwords?

5) Patrick McGoohan, who played Agent Drake, went from being a good guy to appearing as a murderer on Columbo four times. Were you a fan of Columbo?
It's on YouTube sometimes. It really is good.

6) Born John Ramistella, this week's featured artist, Johnny Rivers, grew up in Louisiana. He took "Rivers" as his stage name because he grew up along the Mighty Mississippi. If you were to change your last name based on the geography of the area where you grew up, how would you be known?

  I grew up in a small town.  Maybe just : "Town".

Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

7) In 1966, when this song was popular, Jacqueline Kennedy was the woman most Americans
admired. What famous woman do you admire most? (She doesn't have to be American.)
Rose Kennedy

8) 1966 also found another Jacqueline was in the news. Jacqueline Susann's first novel, Valley of the Dolls, was atop the best seller lists, even though it was savaged by the critics. What's your guilty pleasure? What book, movie, TV show, or song do you enjoy, even though you know it has little artistic merit?

I like old film noir and detective movies. I enjoyed the move Return to Peyton Place and  I love old Paul Newman films like, From the Terrace and The Young Philadelphians and Edward G Robinson in Scarlet Street and The Woman in the Window.
Of course I am a huge fan of Agatha Christie books but I think they have artistic merit but then so do the Newman films.  I can't think of any that don't have some merit to them artistically... Oh, maybe Zorro the Gay Blade which I love. Its silly but great!

9) Random question: Imagine you've been stranded alone in the woods for 10 days. No companionship, no internet or phone or TV. You have been sleeping in the dirt, living on berries and river water. Your rescuers drive you to a hotel. Upon check-in, what's the first thing you do?
I could dine on far more than that.. how about Jerusalem artichokes and dandelion, there is a virtual smorgasbord of food in the forest and I would trap some fish. Easy to do.
But the first think I would do is ask to be upgraded to a 5 star hotel.  I am very spoiled that way. 
Camping out in the woods is one thing  and I've done is a lot  and enjoy it a lot, but cheap hotels are just a complete no-no as far as I am concerned.  I  prefer the woods to that.
I will go 4 star if I have to rough it for the night but.. ugh, God only knows who slept there before you.    Just.. ewww.
Rather sleep in the car.

Probably will join in for Sunday Stealing tomorrow. 


  1. I like your decisions regarding being rescued and the aftermath!

  2. I enjoy those two specific Paul Newman movies a lot, too. (Especially because Robert Vaughn is so good in The Young Philadelphians!) I saw a long-format interview with Newman (Dick Cavett Show, maybe?) where dissed them. He said he found Philadelphians rather embarrassing and he only made From the Terrace because his wife liked the script, and it was easier to get financing if he said he's be in it, too. Still, there's nothing like a few graham crackers, a glass of milk, and one of those two movies! I love them.

  3. I know, Annie, it took me a while to shake off the idea of 10 days in the woods alone... yikes! I am ashamed to say those Jason Bourne movies just fell off my radar for some reason.. I need to check them out!

  4. I can't afford 5 star hotels. I use Hampton Inns. They're mostly used by business people and they seem to behave themselves. Generally. Once you're out in the world you just never know.

  5. LOLOLOLOL over your hehockeysticks. LOLOL

    Enjoyed your answers, smiles.

  6. You are so funny. I cringe thinking about who slept in the hotel bed! Yuck! I'm not sure I would be able to catch a fish, but I would find something in the forest to eat. I always liked the original Peyton Place with Lana Turner and also her in Imitation of Life. I cry every single time I watch Imitation of Life.

  7. Prince Edward Island sounds nice. Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend.


  8. LOVE 5 star hotels. I rather stay 1 day there, than 7 in a Motel 6. My favorites here in New Mexico are La Fonda on the Plaza and The Inn and Spa at Loretto in Santa Fe, and Hotel Andaluz in Albuquerque. Have a great weekend!

  9. Yea! Another Columbo fan! :)

    I'm with you on the hotels. 4-star doesn't bother me, but lower than that...I'd have to see it in person to decide and really, anything 2-star or less would be a no-go for sure. We did the black light test in our hotel room one time on a girls' weekend. We were in a very nice and pretty expensive hotel. Girl, you do not want to know how much that room lit up. Don't ever take a black light to a hotel room.

    I enjoyed your answers today. Have a great Sunday and week ahead. We're leaving for vacation this week so I'm skipping Sunday Stealing and will catch up with everyone in August.


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