Saturday, August 10, 2019

Saturday 9 Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs

Hi Friends, welcome to another Saturday 9.  Link up and have fun.

Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs.
You can hear the song here if you are unfamiliar with it.

1) This is the theme from Frasier, a TV show that ran  from 1993 to 2004. Were you a fan?
Yes. I liked Frazier and still watch it on YouTube now and then.

2) The show is about a radio advice show host, Dr. Frasier Krane. When you listen to the radio, do you tune in for talk or music?
I adore radio and majored in  Radio  & TV journalism at Ohio University.  I managed our high school radio station as well and loved it.
I tune in for music and I like talk radio.  Unfortunately, I can only get one channel.  I am situated on the NJ coast in a specific area where we do not get broadcast TV or radio except for very limited radio channels. In my case WOBM and ONLY WOBM. While it is a great station, I like other kinds of music as well and just can't get  other  stations I used to love with smooth jazz and easy listening  and country from New York  City or Philadelphia. When radio was different I could hook up to cable and get tons of
stations. Now.. nothing. Very disappointing.
I can't even get Cousin Bruce Morrow  anymore except by paying for Sirius FX and can't afford to do that. Sometimes I can get WOR AM and ABC AM radio as well, but only sometimes and only in the daytime.
I listen to old time mystery radio shows on YouTube and love them!  CBS Radio Mystery Theater,
OTR Now.. great places to visit. :)  I will set up my link to these on the  link bar above.
Also, at the very bottom of my blog is a link to radio mysteries as well.  Give it a try, you won't be sorry. They are great while working, etc.

3) The theme's composer explained that tossed salad and scrambled eggs are both "mixed up," like the people who called Frasier's radio show. Which did you eat more
recently, tossed salad or scrambled eggs?
 Well I had a fried egg and spinach for breakfast. Tossed salad a couple days ago.

4) Peri Gilpin played Roz, Frasier's coworker at the radio station. The actress originally cast was Lisa Kudrow, but the show's producers didn't feel she was "right." Being released from Frasier gave her the opportunity to accept a bigger and better part: Phoebe on Friends. Can you think of a time when a setback was really a blessing in disguise?
 I can think of a few.  Other things often open up, but not always.Sometimes a setback is just a setback.

5) Dr. Krane shared his home with Martin, his retired dad. Martin's favorite chair was well-worn recliner, held together in parts with tape. Frasier tried to replace it by giving his father a brand-new, expensive leather chair as a gift. Martin wanted his old recliner back. Tell us about a present you either gave or received that wasn't a hit.
 Clothing is always a failure with me. Not fond of  my friends and relatives tastes in clothing at all. 

6) Kelsey Grammer played Dr. Krane on three different series (Cheers, Wings and Frasier) over 20
years. What job have you held the longest?

Being a mother. I had two kids by age 20 (yes I was married. )
Ended up with 2 sets of twins and  a stepchild. I  helped raised a few  of  some in laws kids as well.

7) Before he found success on Cheers, Grammer played bit parts on the daytime dramas Ryan's World and Another World. Have you ever followed a soap opera?
Yes. I watched Love of Life, As the World Turns, Ryan's Hope with my grandmother. I also watched Another World and Days of our lives. I like soap operas most of the time. but  I don't have  cable anymore , so no TV at all.

8) In addition to work in front of the camera, Grammer has done voice over work on commercials for Dr. Pepper and Cheerios. Are either of those products in your kitchen right now?
Nope. They are not good foods.  Cereal boxes are sprayed with insect repellent. No thank you.

9) Random question: You're invited to a party where dinner is served buffet style. There's spaghetti
with tomato sauce, barbecue spare ribs and buffalo wings. When the evening is over, how likely areyou to have a food stain on your clothes?

Very likely, so I will wear a napkin tucked in like Hercule Poirot. I will pass on the spare ribs and just have the spaghetti!

Tomorrow is Sunday Stealing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! No TV at all and hardly any radio choice. I'm sure it gives you loads more time to do other things. Are you able to tune into other radio channels if you use a shortwave or long wave radio? I bought one many years ago to use in my emergency kit. Now and then I take it out but I see it need replacing.

  3. I get you about not being able to listen to the kinds of music you want where you're located. I'm in Boise, Idaho, and want to listen to a big variety... but there just isn't that, here. So I listen a lot on Amazon Music - the free version, not the subscription - and Spotify (again, the free version). It's actually pretty decent to do that; maybe give it a try?

    As for telling us you were married when you had your first set of twins by 20, that speaks volumes, doesn't it? I really don't think it ought to matter enough to tell us (not a comment on *you,* so much as society in general, really...

  4. On the plus side, not having TV service probably gives you a lot more time to express all your wonderful creativity. I always like visiting your and the stories of your life remind me of the book "A Year by the Sea."

  5. I used to listen to a lot of radio shows like you mentioned. I don't know why I got out of the habit. :)

  6. I enjoyed your answers, Annie, I always do, smiles. Have a great Saturday by the bay, smiles.

  7. I supopose you do take advantage of the wonderful sources of usic online.. I cant live without music on I stills my inner beast! haha! I am loving your art work. YOu most certainly are super talented!

  8. WHAT????? Cereal boxes sprayed with insect repellent! That is so disgusting! I used to enjoy listening to the kids program occasionally on Focus on the Family. It was fun to imagine them over the radio. I think it was Odyssey or something like that.

  9. I like thinking of Poirot eating ribs. Thanks for that. :)

  10. I have never heard that cereal boxes are sprayed with bug spray...disgusting! Enjoyed your answers! Have a great Saturday!

  11. My Grandmother got me started on soap operas as well. It is so funny and a little sad how much times change. I watched a couple of the really old episodes of ATWT this summer on YouTube...episodes when it first got started. I meant to watch more, then I started reading every night. I love summer. That all ends tomorrow and it is back to school on Monday. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!

  12. I think there are only two soap operas on these days, neither of which I ever watched. I don't know how they survived while so many others did not.


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