Sunday, August 11, 2019

Questions? Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing is here already and another weekend has flown on by.

Questions from taken from Friday Five

1. Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger?
Yes. It's happened a few times and each time I wished I could have kept in contract with the person.

2. Where did you go on the very first vacation of your life?
My parents  took me with them to  Wildwood Crest, NJ.  I was about 8 or 9 and it was wonderful.
That was our only vacation.

3. Open the door of your refrigerator. What is the first thing you see?
200 tons of fresh vegetables from the Amish market. It is bursting at the seams with cabbage, peppers, green beans, cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, celery and on my counter top: NJ tomatoes, there are none better. We are known for them.  Red Onions, nectarines, apples, all grown here .
4. What is your favorite place in your home.
My office and my bedroom and my kitchen table.
My office and kitchen table because people gather there.
My bedroom because it's comfortable.

5. If you had wings to fly about the universe, where is the first place you’d land?
Earth. There is no place like home.  

6. What is the first thing you do when you get in your car?
Sit down.

7. What is special about the town you live in?

It is on the bay  with tons of places to swim, picnic, etc. and our town also borders the open ocean and  has a lovely ocean front beach.

8. What is the last thing you heard about your first love?
 He was as handsome as ever but passed away a couple of years ago.

9. If you had created the world in seven days yourself, what would you have created on the First Day?
Probably something stupid as I am not God.

10. How do you beat the summer heat?
 Summer heat isn't bothering me this year at all.  I would say cool drinks  and light salad meals are nice to beat the heat.

11. Did you enjoy your Senior Year in high school?
Yes. I liked my Junior year better, but, yeah, it was nice. I was busy and I love being busy.

12. Who is your favorite First Lady of all time?
Abigail Adams. Very witty and lovely lady. I have a nice book about the wives of the presidents called Presidential Wives. Its a paperback, very readable, and a lot of fun. I highly recommend the book.  Paul Boller, the author, has written a number of books about the campaigns, presidents,etc. I want to read them all.

13. Post a link to your first blog post.
It is on my first blog: Here
I changed the date so it would be the first post on the blog so you don't have to search for  it. Later on  I began another blog and then this one but they are all continuations of one another.
14. When was the last time you needed First Aid?
A few days ago when I was getting a pot out  of a lower cabinet. Since I cannot bend, I have to use a " reacher". It does not always do a good job and so things spilled out of the cabinet and one of the things was a metal recipe holder that took a tiny chunk out of my foot. I wish my kitchen suited me better.

  15. Can you explain what a first down is in football?
Nope, but  the Merriam -Webster dictionary can:
Definition of first down. 1 : the first of a series of usually four downs in which a football team must net a 10-yard gain to retain possession of the ball. 2 : a gain of a total of 10 or more yards within usually four downs giving the team the right to start a new series of downs.


  1. I'm just back from reading your first blog've sold me on your town! I would absolutely love the atmosphere you described.
    I'm putting that book about First Ladies on my list. I read one a few years ago, but it was very dry and not all that interesting.
    I hope you have a lovely Sunday!

  2. New Jersey tomatoes. As a former moderator of a large internet food discussion board, I have heard that many times.

    Usually one attributes that to regional pride.

    Except some of the people weren't from New Jersey. Made annual tomato pilgrimages. So the tomatoes must be something special.

    Hopefully someday.

  3. Your answer to question 6 - of COURSE we sit down. I said "Close the door" but you have to sit down first, don't you? Driving while standing would be pretty much impossible! He He!!




  4. As you know, I love, love, love where you live, smiles. It looks so peaceful and quaint. smiles

  5. Love your answers... and boy, would I love to live near that Amish market!!!

  6. The books sounds good! I am glad the summer weather is not bothering you. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  7. I am enjoying reading everyone's first blog posts.

    In first ladies, I forgot to include Eleanor Roosevelt, whom I have found endlessly interesting.

  8. I enjoyed reading your post. Lucky you, Amish Market.

  9. Terrific questions !
    One of my favorite Eleanor Roosevelt quotes is :
    "A woman is like a tea bag . You never know how strong she is , until she gets into hot water ."
    Here's to strong women !!!
    P.S. -
    Lovely header , my friend ! I so enjoy your artwork !
    Hoping all is well on this rainy day...


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