z Cottage by the Sea : Stealing on Sunday Yet Again
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Stealing on Sunday Yet Again

Another day of stealing!
Bev Sykes of Funny the World provides questions every week.. here is this  week's set.

Swap Bot asked people to post questions they would like to answer.  I copied them all and put together this brief selection.

1) What do you enjoy about summer?
The water, the evenings and the sounds of nature, boats on the water, pizza and hotdogs.

2) Do you like snow? Why?
Yes. I love how it looks and what it does for the ground (helps it). I like being warm inside while it howls and bfalls outside.

3) What do you think about dogs?
I think they are fine and dandy and usually make nice friends.

4) Have you ever gotten lost?
Well, in a way, but not really as I was headed in the right direction anyway and got home fine.I was just a bit worried.

5) What are your favorite type of socks?
None of them. I don't like socks at all. I find them restrictive but as a kid I liked bulky socks. I prefer cotton if I have to wear them. I don't like woolen ones at all.

6) What is your favorite style of shoes?

I like flats, loafers and moccasins.

7) What would you name your boat if you had one?
 This one is easy.. they were named long ago:  the Annie and the Lily B

8) What common misconception do you hate to hear repeated as fact?
Too many to list here.  

9) What was the last shop you went into and what did you buy?

Home Goods. I bought liquid hand soap for the kitchen and countertop cleaner.

10) What's your favourite thing to do to pass the time?

Painting, reading , hearing talks on YouTube, etc. I don't have one thing. I like variety.

11) What is a way to die that scares you the most?

Not a good question to think about or ponder in any way. so I will pass.

12) Travel or home body?
Either one.   Travel can be nice, being home can be nice too.

13-  Ever been to a bingo hall?

I think once when I was a little girl. It didn't impress me or I would remember it better.

1 4) What is the longest plane trip you have taken?

Over 20 hours.

15) Do you text more or call more? Why?

I do not like talking on the phone in any way, shape or form. I like texting more.
I hate cell phones and think they are dangerous to health.


  1. Hey! Someone else who likes moccasins! Do you make them yourself, too?
    Good answers.

  2. I am not a phone talker or texter, I prefer email. I enjoyed your answers, smiles. Have a great Sunday!!!

  3. I do not really like talking on the phone either. My mom loves it, so I do talk to her, but that is about it. I never call anyone. I text everyone. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


  4. You are blessed to be near the water. I would love all those summer things, too!


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