z Cottage by the Sea : Wedneday Haiku, a repeat
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Wedneday Haiku, a repeat

Hey Friends, It is National Lighthouse Day. We have 18 of them here in New Jersey.
Here is the one by me:
Barnegat Lighthouse in  Barnegat Light NJ. on Long Beach Island
It is the tallest at 171 feet.  I can see it everyday and love to see it lit up at night.
One day I will post on all of New Jersey's lighthouses.
Here, now is a repeat post of a Wednesday Haiku.

After a few days of hot weather, Wednesday has promised thunderstorms. But so far it is bright and sunny and very warm.
It is also Haiku day, one of my favorite things.
Haiku presents a story or illustration of scenes, philosophy, etc. in a few words.
In the poem "Evocative" for example,  aren't people temples?Imagine a person creaking and stiff as they tumble into bed after a long, hard day:"the evening grows late."
Gates and people  who've worked hard,sometimes creak at their hinges!


Closing the temple's massive double gate,
Its hinges creak: the evening grows late.

          The Wreck

Here, in a puddle, recent rain has sunk
This upturned leaf: a beetle's yellow junk*.

*a junk is an oriental boat.



Before this perfect white inviolate
--the scissors

   At Daybreak

Against a chilly sky,
washed in grey with dawn,
A single pine tree
 on the peak is drawn.

Note the beauty of the thought in "Sacrilege"... hesitation in cutting a glorious white Chrysanthemum flower.
Just a few words can create feeling and sensation in a person.

I hope you enjoy Japanese Haiku as much as I enjoy presenting it.


  1. The beetle on the junk! Cute! ;-) The chrysanthemum is too beautiful to cut. I always felt bad when I cut the peonies off the bush, but I really wanted them where I could just look at them. So pretty. That first one about the temple reminded me of that old song, This Old House! Are you familiar with that song?

  2. Oh, these were such good ones, Annie! I loved them...they each made me think. But yes, the "sacrilege"...hesitating to cut a perfect white chrysanthemum! I feel the same way when I cut a rose...but then I enjoy it so much when I take it inside with me where I can see it every moment and it lasts longer in the water in the vase...so that makes the "sacrilege" worth it all!! Love your lighthouse also! How wonderful that you can see it every day!!! What a beautiful reminder of the Light of Christ shining out for our salvation from the perils of this life. Wonderful! Have a blessed day!

  3. My hubby and I disagree all the time over cutting flowers! I am of the opinion, bring the beauty indoors....he like them outdoors and full of color outside! LOL

  4. I like the photo of the leaf on the water and all the reflections in the puddle. Nice capture.


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