z Cottage by the Sea : Tuesday 4
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, August 5, 2019

Tuesday 4

Hi friends, time for Toni's meme.

More About You Again

  From  Toni:   "Here is this week's Tuesday 4 Meme of four questions. Please copy and paste the questions to your blog and use the Mister Linky Form for me to visit your blog. As always there will only be 4 questions to answer. I post them each Monday mornings at 5:00 AM EST for you.

Only necessary rule is to link back to this site, thanks. 😊"
Click here to join in.

More About You Again...

1.   How late did you stay up last night and why?
I was up until 2 AM because I got interested in something on the internet.

2.   What's your favorite way to spend your free time?
Learning things, painting and listening to old time mystery radio programs. 
I love documentaries, informative YouTube videos, how to videos and I am usually painting and working on things during the day.  While I paint I always listen to mystery radio theater.

3.   Which of your friends lives closest to you?
My family live around the corner, they are my friends too of course . Another lives in a town  13 miles away. 

4.   Who was the last person you took a picture of?
My daughter.


  1. 2 am... I can't remember the last time I was up that late! Loved reading your answers! Have a great week!

  2. I like your newest header here, smiles. Such talent Annie. smiles

  3. I love to listen to old radio mysteries and I watch a lot of documentaries! Hope all is well with you, have a good day!

  4. I fell asleep early, but I was awake at 2 and eventually got upa t 4:30.. My usual thing at night... BAH! How lovely to be ner to your daughter... that is a blessing! Our's is coming next week for 4 days... I will jam a ton into those 4 days!

  5. Loved your answers! You must get so much inspiration where you live!

  6. I thin the mystery radio sounds so interesting! I always say I am going to listen and I never do. Loved your answers! Have a nice Tuesday!


  7. I enjoy listening to the old-time radio plays and documentaries, as well. Enjoyed your answers! Blessings for a great Tuesday!



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