Tuesday, October 8, 2019

All in a Day

rain tonight?
Weather! Ugh. Today (Monday as I write this)  is back up to 78F and muggy and humid and ugly! 
This is nonsense and I want my cold weather and I want it now!Rain due soon, and all the rest of the week. I've been watching it on radar from the mid-west. Looks like a big storm. Mr. Weather promises cooler temperatures tomorrow.. one can hope.
I'm joining in for Toni's Tuesday 4. I hope you do the same.
All In A Day

1.   How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
About 5-10  minutes to wash, dress and put on makeup and  brush hair. Because I am very fair, I always wear eyeliner(I tight line), mascara and pencil, blush. My complexion is even toned so I don't need foundation, etc.

2.   Do you like to clean house every day or leave it for another day?
I like to clean everyday. I enjoy keeping house and cleaning very much because I like to see the end result and have a clean, neat home all the time.   I do something every single day  to keep things right. 
  •  I clean the kitchen several times a day doing dishes, wiping down counter tops as they need it and putting things away after  use.
  •  I clean the bathroom daily: wipe handles, clean sink, wipe off toilet seatss and every other day I mop the floor.
  • Once a week I do a deep cleaning.in bathroom.
  • Kitchen gets mopped every other day and swept nightly.Things get put away from counter as I use them.
  • I make my bed daily , change sheets once a week and comforters twice a year for the season.
  • I put things where they belong  and I clean as I go.
  • I dust every other day.
  • I  put away clothing, things on dresser as I finish with them.
  • I cannot push a vacuum ' because of my spine so I get some sucker.. I mean person..to do it for me 3 times a week. I would rather it be done daily but  people are just not down with that and beggars can't be choosers. 
  • Front door gets glass cleaned each week. Windows are done every few months. They got done today actually.
  • Drapes and curtains get washed every 3-4 months.
If you need a push in getting your housework done here it is: I am 85% disabled( though you would never know to look at me). What's your excuse now?

3.   What is your least favorite thing to do that you have to do every day?

I don't like cleaning up from cooking or doing dishes very much. I wash dishes by hand and I like that since it gets them away quickly but I really dislike the mess that comes with cooking and dishes. Yup, don't like those things at all.

4.   After all is said and done what is your favorite way to relax?
I like to draw, make puzzles online while listening to quiet smooth jazz  or my old time mystery theater shows  (like CBS Radio Mystery Theater) and play games.   I'd say the puzzles and music are the most relaxing for me.  I also enjoy watching Agatha Christie movies.

Leave a comment.. its the nice thing to do. Let me know you were here, even if you just say "Here!".
Til next time...


  1. Wow Annie! We are a lot alike. I too love a clean (in my case) apartment. A place for everything and everything in its place. Loved reading your answers. Have a blessed day ahead my friend.

  2. "Here !"
    Yup , your example removes all excuses ! I'm amazed at all you do...including the housework !
    Enjoy your day , my friend !

  3. wow! Would love to have such a clean house as yours! I am not disabled...just am not quite that self-disciplined. Although I do clean up the kitchen as I go as much as possible, especially now that we do not have a dishwasher, I try to wash everything as we use it and put it away. I actually like that better than letting it sit in the dishwasher until it is full enough to run. The bathroom...well I clean that definitely weekly, and oftener as needed. dusting? Well...as needed weekly...oftener if someone is coming! LOL. But we are clean and comfortable, and that is what is important to me. I enjoy being outdoors as much as possible now that the weather is trying to get a little cooler. That takes up my "cleaning" time. LOL. And so does being on the computer. I am trying not to spend quite as much time on the computer because I really need more exercise and fresh air. I pray you have a blessed and beautiful day, and enjoy your autumn days while they last!

  4. I love to do online puzzles... very relaxing and music does help!! I sound like a slob next to you. If the house looks and smells good Im pleased. I try to get it all done in a week before starting over.. I never go to bed with a messy kitchen!

  5. HERE! You are a good housekeeper. I used to do the same but with my copd it's hard for me to get it all done anymore. I try to do one thing a day, and that certainly isn't enough to keep a home clean. Mr D helps me all the time and that is nice. Hope all is well with you. ((hugs))

  6. Enjoyed reading this week's answers. I enjoy playing online games...Solitaire, Words With Friends, and Wordscapes before going to sleep sometimes. Like the old-time Mystery Theater, too! Haven't listened to that in a long time! Thanks for jogging my memory! Hope you're having a great week! :)


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