Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Medley on Wednesday

Wednesday and, for today, I am participating in this Q & A from Katsumi. If you click her logo you will end up at her page and then you can join right in. Easy to do. Try it.

1. Space. The final frontier. October 4th ⁠— 10th is World Space Week. Over the course of your lifetime, how many solar systems or science projects have you created for the school Science Fair? Were any of your projects memorable? Have you ever peered through a telescope or visited a planetarium? Been away from city lights and enjoyed the night sky?
There were two science fairs  I participated in. I made a baby in utero out of clay for one, and  I was proud of my art work on it.
  I have visited the Planetarium in New York City.
My father owned  a very nice telescope and we would look at the moon and stars.
I have seen the night sky and the milky way  many times in the mountains in Utah away from any light at all.

Bonus question: If you helped your child or a younger sibling with a science project, what grade did you receive?    
Aren't kids supposed to do them on their own? Too many school projects looked like an adult did them and got the grade for the kid.  Help? Yeah. Do it.?No.

2. It is also National Carry A Tune Week. Do you sing in the shower? In a choir? Carpool karaoke? Whistle while you work?
I am not in the shower long enough to sing. I do whistle and I do sing along. I was in a chorus and a choir, sang Acappella in school.

3. On this day in 1992, seventeen-year-old Michelle Knapp was watching television when she was startled by crash in the driveway. Little did she know but she'd have to cancel her date with her boyfriend. Her Chevy Malibu had been struck by a meteorite!
What is the strangest excuse you've ever heard? Or come up with?

 I didn't want to be in a recital so I "came down with the measles".

4. Happy Birthday, John Winston Ono Lennon! John Lennon was resistant to The Beatles wearing identical suits which played a part of their early image leading to commercial success.

Have you ever worn a uniform or an outfit that you disliked?

No, I liked everything I wore.

5. We are in the midst of the Major League Baseball playoffs.
    At the time of writing, the New York Yankees swept the Minnesota Twins to advance to the American League championship.

Is there a team you are cheering for? Is your team out of contention? Do you prefer a different sport? Or are sports not your thing?

I am not up on this at all and really don't care much at all. I am not  a fan of  things. I would enjoy a game if I went, but, eh.. I don't really care much.

6. Tell us something interesting about your week.
I had a snafu with an appointment. They called to confirm with the wrong date, confused me completely by leaving a message that it wasn't until the 30th , when I made it for Tuesday, and then the Little got sick and I couldn't make the appointment anyway.
On the weather side, its been cloudy, overcast, gray, humid and weird. There is a major storm at sea and there is wind and dark skies. Chillier tonight, I think October has to bring a better effort this year.


  1. I'm afraid Oct is going to be just like last year here in the mountains of Va. It was so dry the trees' leaves are just dying and falling off the trees. Only the very youngest trees have leaves that are changing.. I miss the vibrant fall colors. We just havent ahd that much in the last few years.
    I am with you on sports, too.. Im like really.. Who cares!?

  2. I'm with you on the science fair the kid, don't do it for them. It was always easy to tell which projects were done completely by the parents. What did that teach the child? Nothing good.

    I've not been to Utah, but out on the Navajo reservation the night skies were incredible. They almost seemed so close you could reach up and touch the stars. I saw my first meteor shower out there. :)

  3. I agree on the adult-done projects. It was frustrating for my children to have to compete with someone's mother or big sibling who had done it before. Not right. Happy Fall weather to you.

  4. I love to sing and do it often when cleaning or driving, if I'm alone!! lol

  5. I agree with you about parents only helping with projects and not taking over. I hope having "the measles" didn't cause too many problems lol


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