Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday Homemaker

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Hello Friends, and welcome to  Happy Homemaker Monday by Sandra of Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather at the New Jersey Seashore:
It is sunny and cool,with clear skies 

Low 60's today, humidity 68%, slight chance of rain later today. NE winds with gusts up to 20MPH. Rain for the rest of the week, with similar temps but one day up to 70F.  Yesterday was rainy all day long.

Breakfast today:   a slice of Swiss cheese, cup of coffee.
Maybe hearing what other people have to eat helps us with ideas. My breakfasts are never the usual though. Always very strange things. as I eat mainly just to fill my tummy with something wholesome.

On the bedside tables:  tiny battery alarm, small lamps, crystal box, little doll.

On the Prayer List:  Toni! , The Famous Anonymous kid.both very serious concerns.

Outside  I can see: Sunshine, lollypops and roses.

Well, sunshine anyway. Golden yellow , orange and red leaves in the trees around me.

There are woods all around me, but the bay is just behind that  and so is the creek that empties into the bay. I am just a couple  of blocks from the open water. Small  creeks surround me in the woods. They are crystal clear cedar water with white sandy bottoms.
The photo to the left are cranes that move boats  in and out of the bay. This street is right behind me . The bay is across the street from the fence.

I am right by the bay and love it here.

 woods and salt marsh just behind me.
What I am doing now:
Made the bed, cleaned up kitchen, catching up on news, hearing  a  genetics lecture online. Have to find small lampshades for my 9 arm chandelier. Its just too bright sometimes.

Around the house: Today I  will deep clean the bathroom. I will wash the kitchen floor. Arrange the sofa. (Oh I so need a new one!).  I
 have a bad sinus infection so not feeling on top of the world but feeling better, not so head-achy or dizzy as I was.
The girl is leaving on over night business trip to Boston today. The boy has a new and better job.

On My TV: .. More like on the Radio!  

Pictures of the week:

Above is a  little watercolor I made quickly on a piece of note paper. I am still learning.  I prefer oil and acrylic so, I don't have much experience with water color and, so, of course, this is a bit childish.
 leaves on my wet  back porch

Leaves on the sand

The big  Cedar water Creek behind my house, and our sparkling  Autumn pumpkin.

Two Ideas for your house:
Paint faux glass windows on your garage.  They look incredible when done!
And dig a drainage stream off your property!.

photos found online.
Bye until tomorrow when I will be back with Toni's Tuesday 4... Be there or be square my friends.
Also coming up.. Literary Pearls , Haiku and a post on marriage.


  1. Great flamingo painting! And your autumn pumpkin seems so cozy. Hope you feel better & have a wonderful week.

  2. Love your pictures and enjoyed reading your post. I think you and I have similar "backyards" - are you in the Pacific Northwest also? Have a GREAT week.

  3. 1st of all love Your Halloween background and picture. You sure live in a lovely place from the pictures I can see. I think your Falmingo is awesome - I'd love to try watercolor too - I bought everything it takes... now to do it!
    Have a great week

  4. Your flamingo is beautiful! Great home ideas, thanks for sharing.

  5. Enjoyed all your photos of the Fall leaves and the sparkling pumpkin. We have one common item on the menu this week, roast beef. I bought a larger roast and cut it in half. I could cook it and then divide it into different things but will probably get more use of it by dividing it first. Praying with you and others.

  6. I am making my rounds a day late... I love all the Fall photos, so pretty! Have a great week!

  7. I think your flamingo painting is really impressive! Hope you recover quickly from your sinus infection -- they're the worst!

  8. I hope you are feeling better, sinus infections are awful. Such a pretty flamingo, and the fact you say you did it quickly is impressive.

    Have a wonderful week!


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