Sunday, October 27, 2019

Free Talk With a Bit of Thievery Thrown In.

Well, it's Sunday and you know that means we are in the realm of  stealing. Yes, another round of Sunday Stealing is in order thanks to our hostess Bev Sykes. Click the logo to join in.

 Stolen from Free Talk Random Questions

1. If you were offered a job in another part of the country, would you take it?
Not at this time because my family are here and I believe family takes precedence over work. If I were a young parent, perhaps, but I also don't think families should scatter around the country. It is not good for people to be apart from family and children need their extended family  to be around for them.

2. If you were in a bank and someone started to hold it up, what would you do?
It depends on the situation. There can't be one simple answer as conditions will dictate what you can and can't do and what you should or shouldn't do in those situations.
3. If you found a suitcase filled with $1,000,000 what would you do?
 Spend it on much needed repairs, etc.   Of course it would depend on the condition and age of the money. If it looked like it was placed somewhere by a hoarded long ago, I would keep it. If it was obviously stolen and bank owned I would turn it in.  I would have a small amount of the money tested at my local bank as to serial numbers and etc.   If there as any chance it was lost by someone, I would not keep it at all.  I am thinking of money buried or whatever like old treasure.

4. If you had a 25 hour day what would you do with your extra hour?
Sleep in or goof off a bit more.

5. If you had the opportunity to be different, what would you change?
I would have better genetics .

6. If you received a lottery ticket as a gift and won a lot of money, would you share with the person who gave you the ticket?

If it was the whole jackpot I would give them some.  But what if it was only a small amount? How much should you give them? That would be something to ponder and I think most people would always feel you short changed them. Sad.

7. If you spoke two languages and your spouse spoke only one, would you raise your children as bilingual?
Yes, why not?

8. If you were candy, which candy would you be?

9. If you were a toy, which toy would you be?
One of Marina Bychkova's Enchanted Dolls. I've dreamed of owning one. So graceful, so beautiful!
Ball joint articulation! Hand painting

10. If you were abducted by aliens, would you tell anyone?
  Sure I would. But... I don't believe in aliens anymore than Werner Von Braun did.. he knew the truth.

11. If you could go to the moon, would you?
  Nope.  No reason to go off this world.

12. If you had a time machine, where would you go and why?
Into the past to talk to a few people asking some good questions.

13. If you saw a robbery, would you report it?

Yup. Would report it very quickly.   I can't imagine someone not reporting it.
14. If you were to speak to a graduating class, what would you say?

   To this current generation:  forget all the lies  and junk propaganda they taught you in science and history and go learn from real reputable sources.
Question EVERYTHING. Never go by the 'party line" unless you enjoy being an idiot.
Always keep your mind open and think. Learn to use logic and good sense. not common sense, but GOOD sense.
Read the classics and learn Latin , read Shakespeare.  Both Latin and Shakespeare increase the IQ, as has been proven. Schools that do not teach Shakespeare are substandard. 
Read about what Marva Collins, a great educator, accomplished by teaching inner city low performing kids Latin and Shakespeare.   It will blow your mind!
If someone tells you something, research it. Remember, a fool answers a questions before they hear it. So hear it out, research it to death and then make up your mind based NOT on your emotion, your feelings or what you want to be true.. but on truth alone.
Sometimes you will find out you are wrong!  It's okay. Be humble and grow.
 Don't base your research on what you want to be true.
Don't be fooled or lead by the nose on social justice talking points .
 Never think you know it all or don't need to learn or be taught.

In the 6th grade my teacher, a nice enough young man, told us that "In the Soviet Union they lie to the children".   I raised my hand and said, "how do we know you aren't lying to us?"  He had no explanation and could give no proof of what he had said.
On a recent trip to Russia, my daughter's Russian co-workers said their teachers lied about us too. It went both ways and NONE of it was true for either side. None of it!
Again, on another occasion, he stated that the  "childish Greeks and Romans believed in fake gods and based their religion on pure made up stories that today we know is myth!"
I raised my hand and asked him if Aristotle, Plato, Socrates , Pythagoras etc. or Solon of  old Egypt were brilliant men.
"Oh , Yes indeed.  
"But," I said, "you are smarter than them?"
"No, I am not 1/10th as smart as those great men!" he said.
"But you call them stupid and  yet they believed in these gods."
We debated this a bit.. I was 11 years old and he was sick of me debating him.
My thesis.. they knew these gods were real. In fact they were called  The Titans, giants, mighty men of renown. And they are known in every nation and culture on earth as having once lived and been very real.
Remember,  'authorities'  told you that Troy was a myth. It wasn't and that's a proven fact.
They told you Herodotus'  giant man eating ants were myth!   They are not . They are camel spiders in Iraq just as he said.
J. Robert Oppenheimer, father of the nuclear bomb was asked how it felt to have exploded the first huge nuclear bomb in history.
Of course he said,  it was the first  in our time, yes, but not the first ever.    He then quoted the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." 
He knew that the Hindu Bhagavad Gita, written probably just before or after the  worldwide flood was true!  And there is evidence of  ancient nuclear war in both Africa and India!
When I studied anthropology I learned that most anthropologists  have disdain for and look down on other cultures and primitive people, They tend to feel very superior.   They consider intelligence to be progressive and our ancestors  to have been mere moronic idiots who couldn't tell their backsides from a hole in the ground.
But oral histories are notoriously accurate! And just because the ancients used a more flowery language than we do today does not invalidate their history.
The bible says that mankind often worshiped the creation rather than the  Creator. Those gods were the heroes of old and very, very real.
Don't be snobby when learning.      Realize you do not know it all  but that God does.

15. If given the choice between being given great wisdom or great wealth, which would you choose?

Great wealth with which I can pay for good advisors, good books and good education and get more wisdom.
Solomon had great wisdom which got him no where. In the end he lived a shoddy life and sanctioned idolatry in his nation.   Poor decision making from a very wise man.
In the end, however, too much of anything can be far too much and lead to trouble.  So I would prefer enough to live on and enough wisdom to know there is a being smarter and wiser than I could ever be.


  1. Totally agree on #14. I enjoyed your answers, smiles. Have a great day friend.

  2. ALways a joy to read our responses.. I loved the graduation speech! YOU go, girl!

  3. If you like Marina Bychkova's Enchanted Dolls, you'll love 勝美 action figure with Kung Fu Grip®.

    Some assembly required. Batteries not included. Void where prohibited by law.

  4. Not sure I agree with you about Shakespeare. I studied him at school and hated it. It belongs in the 16th and 17th century and is therefore of no relevance to today (lots of people diagree with me on this). However, I also learned Latin and it really helped with German and knowing the odd Latin phrase can be quite good.

    Cogito ergo sum




  5. Such beautiful dolls. I'm seeing more and more articulation in doll making, a very good trend.

  6. Wow! I would have loved to have had you speak at my graduation. Wish you could speak at some today. Excellent speech!!!!! And those dolls are amazing! I've never seen them before. Wow...such artistry! You always provoke me to want to learn more. You are an excellent teacher, my dear!! Keep it up! Praying for your sweet granddaughter. Keep us posted. SEnding hugs to you today.


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