z Cottage by the Sea : Dreams
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, November 4, 2019


What's been going on in your world lately?
I have been watching movies on YouTube.. disaster movies mainly as they are a good way to pass the time and usually just pure silly entertainment.  There are comet movies, tornado movies,  shark movies, you name it and all of them a bit silly but I enjoy them anyway.
Most of Monday was spent by the bay just enjoying the lovely autumn weather. I took a lot of photos that I will share on Friday.
I am getting my menu ready for Thanksgiving and I will have  9 or 10 people round the table again this year.
I found a recipe for baked Brussels Sprouts complete with Holland Gouda cheese, so I will be trying that recipe out for sure. I will post it another day for you. I wanted to get away without too much baking but there was a rebellion and outcry and I am once again roped into making pecan pie , apple pie and etc.   Do you make anything different for your holiday meals?

My Dreams ~ Try Using Photos

1.   My dream house is?
A Victorian farmhouse on Prince Edward Island, Canada

Noble House, Malpeque, PEI Canada

2.   My dream car is?
I don't really have one as cars are not really of interest to me. But I do like large SUV's for the comfort and convenience.

3.   My dream vacation is?
It was always Tahiti and especially Bora Bora but I would settle for any vacation away at this point as I  very much need one.

4.   My dream life is?
A life free of pain for all people. A life in which sickness is no longer around.
A life filled with happiness and love , no tears, no sorrow.
Praying for so many now, Toni and The Famous Anonymous who has a brain aneurysm.
Paradise, the Garden of Eden
Thank you for stopping by and hope to see you again. 



  1. In my world right now are medical stuff and household stuff as well as paperwork and for fun, a bit of reading and shopping the sales. I love that your dream home would be in Canada. It pleases me when people from other countries love Canada as much as I do and the Victorian House you selected is stunning. I too am not much into cars but a luxury SUV is something else. I can see why people love them though they are gas guzzlers they are so comfortable (experienced through a rental only once). I pray you will get a vacation since you really need one. Sometimes such dreams really do come true. I join you in desiring a world free of sickness and am praying for Toni and the FA. Last but not least I don't get too adventurous with the holiday menu. I am a traditionalist at heart and I love the traditional holiday foods. But one year I did make mashed cauliflower in lieu of mashed potato (good). I also tried a pumpkin mousse once or twice in lieu of pumpkin pie. Oh my, it was heavenly. I need to find the recipe again. Enjoy your planning for the holiday. xx

  2. I will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year, too. Thankfully, pies are not my thing so I am off the hood for that, at least. No menu planned yet beyond I plan to try dry-brining the turkey.
    Love that house!
    A life free of pain...it is coming one day.

  3. The PEI Victorian you chose reminds me of the hotel in Anne Of Green Gables where she recited her first story. It is beautiful. I always wanted to go to Prince Edward Island and visit all the places having to do with Anne. This year I won't be cooking for Thanksgiving. We will have 25-28 people & children. I guess some members want to see me that are coming from other states. My grandson will be here. He's moving nearby and had his union transferred as he is a sheet metal worker and there's no problem he'll have a job. He'll be here a week before the holiday. Many blessings.

  4. Thank you my sweet Annie. I appreciate your prayers. I am praying for your Famous Anonymous Kid. My daughter In law went through the same thing and is doing fine today. **Hugs**

  5. What a gorgeous house!! I would like one like that as well!! Have a great Tuesday!

  6. 1- Your new background and header are wonderful ! So lovely !
    2- See...flamingos ARE in paradise !
    3- Prayers still going out for Toni , FA and all in need...longing for that world without
    sickness , pain and suffering .
    4- Thanksgiving...always a favorite time to go all out for friends and family ! In times past , all was prepared from scratch , from "soup to nuts" . I'm so lucky to be part of a chosen family who looks forward to my appetizers...Spicy Squash Soup , Florentines , crudites and No Salt Spinach dip .There may be an additional surprise recipe or two...
    so many yummy choices !
    5- So very grateful for your friendship and praying for all good things for you !

  7. Love your choices esp #4. To think a billion years in paradise is a drop in the bucket!

  8. Love your house choice...that would be so lovely, wouldn't it? Especially if we could afford a housekeeper to help out and a gardener to keep the grounds lovely. A dream car, yes, a nice big SUV that isn't a gas guzzler would be nice. We rented a nice one for a recent trip, and really enjoyed it. Praying for you and your "famous anonymous kid"...and also for Toni. May God comfort and keep and bring healing to all. I am glad you are hosting Thanksgiving at your house. I know you will enjoy having your family around your table. We will have it at our house too. It will be cozy as this house is smaller than our last, but it will be fun and I am looking forward to it. I pray you can take a nice vacation soon. Let me know if you are coming to Florida! That would be wonderful if we could meet!


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