z Cottage by the Sea : One Note of Zen
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, November 24, 2019

One Note of Zen

Zen is  a very necessary tool for well being as is Feng Shui. Both lead to an organized, peaceful life.
Photo: my pond

" One Note of Zen*"
A frog has plucked his slack-stringed   samisen;
The Pond was quieter at nightfall,
                                ~~Hȏ- Ȏ

*Zen: Japanese, literally ‘meditation’, from Chinese chán ‘quietude’, from Sanskrit dhyāna ‘meditation’


  1. Glad the frog was able to quiet down so all could have a peaceful night! Good night!! :)

  2. Ah , Mr.Froggie makes his appearance ! Hopefully he's found a cozy place to snooze away the winter .
    Your header today is wonderful...so peaceful and timely...thank you !


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