z Cottage by the Sea : Thanksgiving Tuesday 4
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, November 25, 2019

Thanksgiving Tuesday 4

Joining in for Tuesday 4 hosted each week by Toni. Her logo is the link.
Thanks Toni!

Here is this week's Tuesday 4 Meme of four questions. Please copy and paste the questions to your blog and use the Mister Linky Form for me to visit your blog. As always there will only be 4 questions to answer. I post them each Monday mornings at 5:00 AM EST for you.

Only necessary rule is to link back to this site, thanks. 😊

About Thanksgiving

1.   What is your favorite Thanksgiving show/animated show?:
We watch George C. Scott in A Christmas Carol each year. It is a movie that teaches about being thankful and giving.

2.   What is there about Thanksgiving you like the best:
I love being with friends and family!

3.   Favorite Thanksgiving/holiday song?:
We Gather Together and Come Ye Thankful People Come, both are lovely songs about being thankful.

4.   If you have an all holiday music radio station when do you start listening to it?:
 When I had cable TV I put on the all music of the season channel about now. 
But most of the time I listen to music on YouTube which has albums that can go on playing for hours.
Here is  10 hours of background music for Thanksgiving:


  1. I am going to have to have that jazz music keyed up on my phone to have going at my inlaws on Thursday! Have a great week!

  2. Wow. thanks for the music link!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  3. We are thankful for YOU !!!
    Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with peace and joy , surrounded by those you love !

  4. I like that music! Your blog looks so cute! Loved your answers! Have a nice week and Happy Thanksgiving!


  5. Have a lovely Thanksgiving my friend...P.S. how is the famous kid doing?

    1. Famous will be having another test at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in NYC. We hope for the best.


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