z Cottage by the Sea : Champions.. saturday 9
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, December 6, 2019

Champions.. saturday 9

Another week flew by.
When the Little came home from school Thursday, I didn't have the door unlocked for her. I completely forgot. She called me on her cell to come to the door. Thank goodness for cell phones. I laid down to take 40 winks and was out cold when she got home!
 Cold rainy days have not slowed anything down and I've never seen so much traffic as this week. I suppose people are out shopping. That's good.  Getting out to shop keeps competition going and competition keeps prices low. Shop local! Keep people in business.

And now.. from Sam:
 Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!

Saturday 9: The Champion (2018)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.  
It is a good song.. take a listen.

1) This song is about doing what it takes to win. What's the most recent competition you won? (Yes, online solitaire counts.)

Arm wrestling with the Famous Anonymous.. who could not believe how strong I am.  

2) The lyrics tell us to "go ahead and put your bets on me." Do you often play games of chance -- like the office football pool, or slot machines, or the lottery?
No. But  I have and won too.

3) The video includes footage of young people competing in The Special Olympics. What's your favorite sport to watch? Is it the same sport you most enjoying playing?
I like high school wrestling and basketball. They are great. No, they aren't sports I played just sports I think require skill.

4) This week's featured artist, Carrie Underwood, first came to America's attention when she won on American Idol. Prior to competing on that show, she'd never been on an airplane. How old were you when you took your first flight?

I was about 17 years old. and flew in a Piper Comanche  

5) Carrie loves horror and her favorite author is Stephen King. What book are you currently reading?
I am not reading anything right now but hope to get some books soon by Robert Parker and Agatha Christie too. I wouldn't mind reading one of the Miss Read series as well.

6) Carrie's duet partner on "The Champion" is rapper Ludacris. In addition to making music, he acts and has appeared in one Sam's favorite shows, Law & Order: SVU. What's your favorite "cop show?"
Law and Order is very good but I also used to like Blue Bloods.
The Jesse Stone series was excellent too. 

7) Ludacris is a distant cousin of comedian Richard Pryor. Have you studied your family's genealogy?

Yes. I was recently telling someone my background and got it all wrong. But, really I am not concerned with genealogy. It is pretty meaningless. Like most Americans I am a Heinz 57 in background and places of origin.

8) Soccer was a big deal in 2018, the year this song was released. According to Google, "FIFA World Cup" was the news story that generated the most internet searches. What's the last thing you "googled?"
Piper Comanche.. for a picture.

9) Random question: You're battling the flu. The doctor advises you to stay in bed a full five days. As you begin feeling better (around Day 3), do you continue to follow doctor's orders? Or do you get up and start moving before you're supposed to?

It depends on a lot of things. I would probably try to stay off my feet as much as possible though.

Tomorrow is Sunday Stealing.. be there or be square.


  1. We are a bunch of Heinz 57's, but I enjoy knowing who my ancestors were and imagining their lives and what they may have passed on to me.

  2. I like Tom Selleck very much -- Magnum PI, Friends and 3 Men and a Baby -- so I *want* to like Blue Bloods. But whenever I watch Blue Bloods, he doesn't seem to be in it very much and when I see him, he's so grumpy! Maybe I need to catch a Blue Bloods marathon. That's how I got into NCIS. I had it on my bedroom TV for hours as I was reorganizing my closet.

  3. Love, Love, love the snow script you have. Have a great day friend...and busy, busy, busy traffic here too, then again all we have is local shops and one very small Walmart, smiles. Traffic means a good economy, smiles.

  4. Interesting questions...
    the music video was well done and thought-provoking . Each of us has the opportunity to overcome our personal challenges and to prevail...on the path to becoming our better selves for the good of all .
    On another point - Yes , the traffic is greater , the drivers faster and more aggressive...the common courtesy once prevalent is becoming a thing of the past - phooey ! So , there ! (off the soapbox now...sigh )


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