z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Stealing
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday afternoon we are going to see Meet Me In St. Louis.. the original film on the big screen. It should be a lot of fun and it's a wonderful movie. Local theaters play old movies on Sunday and I believe Wednesday nights. There are so many older films I want to see on the big screen.
But Sunday is also a day for stealing and so on to Sunday Stealing with Bev Sykes:

"Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. (Past hosts include: Our first - Judd Corizan, Mr. L, Kwizgiver and Bud)  Cheers to all of us thieves!"

Stolen from Pinterest:

1. What don’t you share?
my fork, my cup, glass etc. or my views on religion(except privately)

2. A reason to celebrate?
Just about anything but especially good news, birthdays, anything special.

3. Describe where you are now.
I am in my office. There is a nice desk, two Victorian parlor chairs,(a ladies and man's chair) a round side table with a small plant , a large diamond shaped crystal, a magnifying glass and a round pierced candle holder to diffuse light and scents.
There are two book cases.. one is slanted on the wall and holds my collection of  Dickens village houses, the other is huge and holds hundreds of books.
On my left is my mother's hope chest under the window.

4. A dream that seems impossible.
 to be happily married

5. Something you hope for.
To be free of pain in this life.

6. A tradition that makes you feel at home.
 Holiday meals with family.

7. The people who make your life better.

My kids etc.

8. Someone you’d like to meet.

There is no one I especially want to meet in the fame department.

9. A silly thing you’d really like.
A   Jukebox
Cream Horns

10. A book from your childhood

  Indians of the America's. Really loved it and read it through many times.

11. Something you’re still not sure about.
  I just can't think of an answer I am willing to share with people on my blog.

12. The best dessert to share with friends.
    Cream horns.

13. A story that captures your imagination
      I just don't know .

14. Memories beside a fireplace.

I don't have any.

15. How do you spend a rainy day?

Working , cleaning the house, doing projects, enjoying old time radio mystery programs.


  1. A jukebox would be so cool! I came across one at an estate sale a couple of years ago that was hidden in a cabinet much like the old stereo cabinets. It was even loaded with records from the 80s that I loved. It was a great price, but I had no idea where I'd put it.

  2. I would love a jukebox - a proper onenot the tiny one on my PC.

    I don't talk about religion either - well not often - okay sometimes.




  3. I just love your answers and once again, you changed the look for here, love it. Have a great week ahead, smiles.

  4. I hope you enjoyed "Meet Me In St. Louis." I think it is the movie where Judy Garland looked the most beautiful. People say that Minnelli "made love to her" through the camera lens!

  5. Interesting answers.. a jukebox! I wouldn't have guessed that. Never thought of it, but it would be fun. Hope you enjoyed the movie. I'll bet it was good. I haven't been to a theater in so many years (last movie was Titanic). I just want to smell the popcorn. I don't share my toothbrush. LOL. A rainy day is for reading, baking, or just enjoying the sounds and sights of the rain...(love rain on a tin roof). Probably not going to find me cleaning house on a rainy day. (hard to find me doing that on a sunny day either...lol.) Have a good week. God bless you...praying for your pain.

  6. Yes, interesting answers especially in light of the comment at my blog, which I am very much in agreement with. Thank you for commenting! I recently shared a cream horn with a friend and we were both so disappointed. The layers, which should have been so flaky, were sodden and heavy. Needless to say, we didn’t waste the calories.

  7. Great questions and answers ! Always something to think about...thank you !
    As to question number 4 , There is a quote from Rose Cleveland(sister of President Grover Cleveland and his First Lady until he married) :
    "We must each find a true partner - Someone who understands and appreciates us , someone whose faith in us brings out our best efforts . Our deepest craving is for recognition to be known by another human being for what we truly are ."
    This does not address the deeper craving to connect spiritually with our Creator , but on a human scale with someone who truly loves us . A difficult project to complete , indeed .


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