z Cottage by the Sea : Just Wondering a Tuesday 4 entry
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Just Wondering a Tuesday 4 entry

We are having a heat wave. Monday was in the low 50s and today will be high 50s.. but then a promise of snow on Wednesday.
Toni has provided a Tuesday 4.. here it is. Her logo is the link to her site.

A Repeat ~ Just Wondering

1.   When was the last time you tried something new?: 
      I had no mayonnaise, so I tried using sour cream in my tuna salad. I also added some Balsamic vinegar. It wasn't awful, but, not worth doing again.

2.   Who in your family do you compare yourself to?:
I am very like the Famous Anonymous and the Little. They are my clones.

3.   What lesson in life did you learn the hard way?:
Don't get married

4.   What can you do today that you weren't able to do before?:
pick things up in very creative ways.


  1. Good Morning , my friend !
    Toni has such good questions ! Number 3 is too true ! It's hard to learn how to rightly judge good character , if no one teaches you when you are young...and builds on those lessons . No one taught me and my life was more difficult for that loss . When Mother and I had a serious discussion , before her passing , this subject came up . Her response was that had I not gone through those things , I wouldn't be the person I am today . One still wishes the road was less frought with disaster . The vast blessings on this side is to be surrounded by wonderful people !
    Wishing you daily joy...

  2. bahawahahahaha "Don't get married"--I know you didn't mean for that to be funny, but it is, smiles. Have a great day friend, smiles.

  3. I would have thought that new recipe for tuna would be really good... sounds like something I would have done.. good to know! I am always so sorry to get those hints about your poor back.. As I get older my back is giving out... my mom was all bent over... I hope to be able to stand erectly as long as possible... Getting older is NO FUN!!! But better than the alternative!

  4. 😊!! #3 cracked me up Annie. I agree on my part having reason which I won't dwell on. We are now good friends. Many blessings dear Annie.


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