Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Hobbies and Interests Tuesday 4

Hi Friends!
Today I have a photo rich entry for Tuesday 4.  I hope you don't find it too long or boring.
I also hope you will join in and help make this a success.

1. Do you have a hobby or a special interest?  Do you quilt, crochet, cook, sew, collect things, sing, play an instrument, love dolls , politics, learning, reading, biking, hiking, camping, swimming, flower arranging, watching TV? Do you love to entertain, set a beautiful table or just take a walk? Share it with us won't you?
  Why do you enjoy it? Can you tell us how you became interested or what particularly interests
you about your hobby.
Would you share some photos or pictures of your hobbies or interests or lovely things you've seen along the way?

My hobby also makes me some money along the way: art and writing.
A sample of my crochet work.. a bed spread sized afghan
I do some graphic designing and I  ghost write novels.
As for interests, anthropology is a main interest of mine  and I do a lot of study into that field.
Entertaining  people at home, which I love to do,is also an interest.
 I like setting a lovely table and seeing people enjoy themselves.
I also do crocheting but more for gifts and making afghans for use in the house and wash cloths, dish cloths , scarves, hats etc. than for a hobby.

Holly loves photography
2.  Gardening is a hobby for some.
Do you garden or grow house plants?
 What do you like about it? What are your favorite plants inside or out? Pictures? We'd love to see  photos of you house or garden plants or hear about ideas you have for growing things or creating beauty with plants around the house.

 I have houseplants of various kinds and I like to grow flowers and plants outside as well.  Growing pond plants is also of great interest to me.

Here are some photos from my garden:

Pond and waterfall

Black eyed Susans

A little bare bottom in the planters with coleus
big pond

small pond


my kitchen window

mountain pinks around small pond

residents of my garden, Mr.Frog hamming it up for his photo

scotch broom , wisteria and waterfall. Fish photo bombing

the little pond

More residents of my garden in the big pond
white mountain pinks
Wild beach roses are all over my yard

Scotch broom and Wisteria
My apple tree

3. If you could design a dream garden or park , how would you do it? What would it contain.? Maybe include a picture from the net of one you think closely fits your dream garden.

My dream garden would have meandering paths lined with roses and azaleas and a very large pond, a  long rocky stream and waterfall. I would plant plenty of cut leaf dwarf Japanese Maples too. Out in front would be a giant sugar Maple. It would also contain a  garden house by the pond and stream.

4. Do you like being outdoors? If so, what attracts you to the great outdoors and if not, what keeps you inside?
Do you walk in the rain?Are there parks near you that you like to visit?

 I enjoy being outside but hate biting insects that are around in summer.. one reason I dislike summer a bit.
I do enjoy being out in the rain but not getting wet! I  used to love walking  home from school with my umbrella. I loved watching the rain fall on autumn days as 3 o'clock came and outside it grew dark and you could see the lights of cars in the wet streets.. I couldn't wait to put on my boots , coat and grab my umbrella and head home in that weather! 
There are a lot of beach and river side parks near me and I like to visit  many of them.

Wednesday  is Literary Pearls. I hope you will return .


  1. This was a fun Tuesday meme!! I love your afghan!! And those ponds are gorgeous!! Have a great week!!

  2. Loved your answers and beautiful pictures.

  3. My goodness, I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your garden, and could spend all day there, smiles. Loveeeeeeeeeeeee the rear end crack,lol. Have a great day, friend. smiles

  4. I enjoyed reading your post, Annie, and ohmygoodness! YOUR garden IS MY dream garden!!! How beautiful! How blessed! Thank you so much for sharing all those lovely photos. Just walking through THEM brought peace to my heart! Blessings for a great rest of the week!

  5. Your crochet work is beautiful and your garden is gorgeous.

  6. You have such beautiful gardens...I love all of your pictures. Looking forward to spring/summer when things will be blooming again for you! You certainly do beautiful crochet work. And your art/painting is a favorite of mine. You didn't say too much about it, but I believe that is a marvelous talent that you have. Thank you for setting this up for us. I joined in today...just now!

  7. Oh, Annie...I absolutely love your garden! It reminds me so much of my grandmother's. She had a knack for creating the natural, overgrown, wild...whatever you call it look, too. It was my favorite place. I do well with plants but don't have that talent, much to my dismay.

  8. Annie, I left a message in response to your comment on my blog, but I wasn't sure that you'd see it, so am messaging you here. If you want coneflower seed I have a ton of dried heads from last fall and I'd be happy to share some with you. If you'd like some just email me your address and I'll send them on their way. My email address is: proverbs31heart@yahoo.com. Hope your week is going well. Blessings! :)

  9. You are such a multitalented young lady. I knew you were brilliantly submerged in literary and anthropological pursuits, but the crochet is awesome, and the gardens are gorgeous! You are one busy super woman! I hate to hear about your mobility issues. I’m learning just how debilitating it can be when the body fails us. Prayers for us both! We

  10. I love your crochet work! I also hate the mosquitoes in the summer. Their bites cause sores on me and I have scars from scratching like a little kid. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  11. You have a beautiful garden. So you are a ghost writer! That is so cool and of course you are an amazing artist!

  12. I enjoyed seeing the ivy on your porch because it reminded me of an ivy I had when I was in high school. She was one of my first ever houseplants and I named her (Ivy, of course) and was quite devoted to her. She hung in a planter in front of my bedroom window, but kept growing toward my desk. I imagined that she was trying to keep me company. Funny how we personify things ... Thanks for inspiring a long-ago memory!


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