Monday, January 13, 2020

In His Image

All of us....
 "And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him;
male and female created He them."     Genesis 1,27.

We look like Him,  , we  are creative beings like Him.
We knit, we build, we sow and sew.
We invent, we draw, we cook, we plan and build, we rearrange, we raise children, we do  and accomplish.
 We are creators in miniature still learning to be like Daddy as we grow up to 'look', hopefully, just like Him as long as we do it all with love and care and concern for others.
As long as "whatever our hand finds to do we do with all our might"  Eccles.9
 When I hear people say they have nothing special that they do or nothing special that they are, I want to tell them that everything they do is special.
When you say you have nothing special to offer.. you are absolutely wrong.

 Every action is a learning experience in the school of life where we are learning to grow up along the lines set for us by our great Creator in whose footsteps we should walk.
"And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left." — Isaiah 30:21


  1. Oh, Annie, I love this. Yes, we are blessed with the gifts that our Creator has bestowed upon us, and every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow and share those gifts with others. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us today!!

  2. Beautiful...I strive to be, but you know, the devil sometimes gets in the way, just keeping it real.

  3. These are the dearest , kindest words to pass on to all of us !
    A wise person once told me , when we were trying to make sense of life , that this is all like a handwoven carpet . We see the back of it , with all those loose threads and untidy bits...makes no sense . God , however , sees it from the front of the carpet , where each thread contributes to the overall beauty of the finished
    pattern . We each have something vital to very encouraging !
    Thank you , my friend !


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