Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bon Yoyage Tuesday 4

Time for Tuesday 4..which we keep up in honor or our dear friend Toni Taddeo.
I hope you will join in with us as these questions help bloggers to get to know one another and make new friends.

1. Where have you traveled and what is the furthest you've been from home?
The farthest was to PEI, Canada. I have traveled through much of the USA and eastern Canada. Loved it all.

2. Is there a location other than where you are, that you think would be a nice place to live?
Prince Edward Island in Canada. I like it there very much.  I also wouldn't mind living in Massachusetts or New Hampshire, etc. I like New England best.

3. Do you have a photo or story from a favorite place to visit?
These are pictures of Prince Edward Island, home of Anne of Green Gables.

4. What dream destination do you have tucked away in  your heart? Do you think you'll be able to visit them one day or are plans in the making?

When I was a little girl I wanted very much to see Tahiti. Now, I don't care and there are really no dream destinations for me anymore.  I will just try to bloom where I am planted.

You can join in the Meme. HERE.
Thanks for dropping by.  See you tomorrow.


  1. Enjoyed your answers and pictures.
    Have a good Tuesday.

  2. Your photos are gorgeous!! Have a great Tuesday!

  3. So many beautiful places to live in our country, but like you, I'll just try to bloom where I'm planted!

  4. That's something else that I'd like to do that I didn't even think of when I was writing my post, Annie! I'd love to go to Maine, catch the Bluenose II to Nova Scotia, tour Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island, and PEI. What beautiful country! Have a lovely rest of the week! <3

  5. Beautiful photos !
    PEI is so lovely and New England is special . At this point in my life , the place to be is less important than being with the dear people where I now live . Thank you !!!
    Take care , my friend !

  6. When I was teaching we had a story on our reader about the Lupine lady who lived in the norther climes and I fell in love with the flower.. I strted trying to grow them but alas they just do not like it ehre in Virginia.. Beautiful post and loved the theme this week!

  7. Oh my goodness!! Prince Edward Island looks so beautiful! I want to go there now too!! Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


  8. Hi Annie, I enjoyed your pictures. I really enjoyed the trip to New England and Canada even if it was for a few days. I want to make memories with my grands wherever that will be.

  9. I am so envious that you have been to PEI, and to Anne of Green Gables' home. I have wanted to visit there and hope that I will some day. I also lived in New England, in Maine and NH. I loved the summers and fall there, and a little of the winter, but winter became much to long for this southern girl to endure, so we moved back south to be near our elderly parents until God called them home. Now we are here to stay. I have only traveled briefly across the line into Canada, into Ontario, once. We've been as far west as Seattle, and have lived in several states mostly in the eastern seaboard,(GA, NC, SC, FL, NH and ME) and central midwest. (Ohio, Kansas, and Michigan) I don't have any real travel aspirations anymore...would love to get back up to Maine/NH to visit my grandson in the fall, and would love to visit some others in Ohio and GA, ALA. one of these days... Thank you for the pictures of PEI. It really does look magical like Anne described it.


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