z Cottage by the Sea : New Year
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year

A new decade dawns. A century since 1920.
Have a great holiday.


  1. It doesn't seem possible that 1920 was a hundred years ago! That means my mother would be 103, and my father 102 this year. Wow! Time is marching on, and we are getting closer and closer to our Lord's return. And that gives me much joy today. Have a blessed and joyful New Year!!

  2. 2020 means I will be 53 in March...yikes...where has the years gone? (grin). Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!

  3. Good Morning , my friend !
    May this new year bring you much joy !
    May your many kindnesses to others be returned to you a hundred-fold !

  4. Happy New Year!!!



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