Monday, January 6, 2020

Tuesday 4 Around the House


Around the House
1. Do you have pets ? What kind of pets do you have? Photos?

I did have pets. Cats and dogs.  Garfield's story    Brandy's    Sandy's

Brandy  1993-2008
Garfield "the little golden man"
 Sept 1995-May 31, 2015

Sandy Sept 1995-2009

I had  other pets through the years too but these were the last and final pets. Writing this was hard and I am lonely without them.
I have a pond full of fish, if that counts  but I don't consider them pets but residents of the land here even though I built the pond myself. It has become wild and natural for the most part now.

My Pond

2. Do you have a weekly menu you plan out? Would you share it with us, or perhaps a short list of meals you make often? It gives other people ideas !

1.  Monday:   Tuna Fish Salad made with lots of celery, onion, balsamic vinegar and mayo.
2.  Tuesday:   Meat loaf and baby peas and baby carrots
3.  Wednesday:  Fried  Chicken, potato, and spinach
4.  Thursday:      Salisbury steak and veggies
5.  Friday:          baked fish and salad
6. Saturday:      *Rumbledethumps which is like Colcannon or Bubble and Squeak. Colcannon I make                             for St. Patrick's Day.
7. Sunday: Roast chicken and gravy with Brussels sprouts., salad. 
*(saute cabbage, onions, shredded carrot, until very soft and nice. Add mashed potatoes  and mashed turnips (and if you want more substance ground beef or turkey). Place in a baking pan, cover with cheese and bake until cheese is nice and bubbly and brown.

3.Where do you do your grocery shopping? Do you like that store or do you go to others to fill in the gaps?

I shop at Shop Rite. I like it because they have good prices, everything you need and I get a free turkey for every holiday known to mankind from them.
I buy toilet paper and coffee creamer at Walmart since both are a dollar cheaper bit.I do not like Walmart  much at all. 

4.  What kind of house do you live in or is it an apartment. Describe it. What changes would you make to it if you could?

I live in a very little ranch style house. It is 3 bedroom, 1 bath, kitchen, dining room, laundry room. It was built in the late 1950s.  I have turned one bedroom into an office by breaking down the wall between it and the living room.
I would change it by putting on a much needed new roof, a better front and back porch and new windows across the back. It also needs new floors. Well, it needs a ton of work frankly but I have no money to do any of it.



  1. I read about each of your sweet furbabies, it touched my heart. You must have given them a good home and lots of love for them to live to such an old age. Your weekly menu sounds fabulous, I love them all except for Saturday's meal. I don't know what that is...from the recipe I bet I would like it!!

  2. I liked you menus, it all sounds yummy! I can't believe it has been 5 years since you lost Garfield. My Reina has been gone 10. Furbabies just warm our hearts. I like to add pickles to my tuna salad.

  3. THose Irish dishes sound scrumptious... I'll have to look into those!!!

  4. The menu looks great, Annie. Thank you for taking up the Tuesday Meme, smiles.

  5. Love all the animals! I am so happy are you keeping the Tuesday 4 Meme open! Have a great Tuesday!

  6. I think our house was built in the 50's also.
    Your furbabies were beautiful. I would count the fish as pets because I am weird like that. Hee, hee Loved your answers. Have a nice week.

  7. Aw...what sweet pictures of your pets. I know how you feel. It is so hard to say goodbye to them. On a happier note, I absolutely love your pond! I had a little one for a few years but we had so many problems with it and then everyone stopped going out where it was so my husband took it out.

  8. Your pets lived long and wonderful years! It is hard to look back and think of the pets in our lives that have passed on. There is always so much upkeep to a house! I enjoyed your dinner plan, sounds quite delicious! Many blessings to you :)

  9. Ahhh...tis a wee bit o' the Irish there, I see. I love colcannon and I love St. Patty's Day! Twon't be long and it twill be here! Yeah! I miss my pets that have passed, too...some of them many, many years ago. I hope your week is going well and thanks for taking this over for Toni. I'm sorry to hear that she passed. Blessings, Sweet Lady! <3


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