z Cottage by the Sea : Odd'N' Ends

Monday, March 16, 2020

Odd'N' Ends

This week is just some odds and end type questions..

1.   Ever been to a Drive In Theater? Would you like to see Drive In Theaters make a come back?  
Yes, I used to love the drive in and I do wish they would make a comeback, though with today's lawlessness, I think there might be problems with robbery and assaults.

2.  Should towns provide community entertainment like 
bands in the park, fireworks on the 4rth, community picnics or is the cost just too much?
I think a town celebration for the Fourth of July is nice.
Our town does a concert and fireworks every Wednesday but we are a tourist/summer home type community and it keeps people happy I suppose. The boardwalk does fireworks every Wednesday night in summer.
Concerts are in the park also on Wednesday nights.

3.  What would you change about your town if you had the power?
I want sidewalks and street repairs done by people who actually know what they are doing.  We just don't have sidewalks and are terribly rural in that way. Its unsafe I think.  I also want them to go back to 2 garbage days a week in summer like it used to be. Get rid of the automated trucks and give men back their jobs too.

4. My  little high school offered 3 courses of education:  Business, University track and General education where you could also major in shop , carpentry, home economics and metal working, etc.
Would you like to see schools bring back business courses, shop classes and home
Well, since I made up the questions and it is my high school I mentioned, Yes!!  Many girls went from high school into secretarial jobs that lead to being executive assistant jobs that were well paying.  Boys could become carpenters, etc.  I think we need to go back to that form of education.  Even kids like me in the university track took some secretarial courses to learn to type,etc.  And all the girls took 6 years of home economics/home management classes.

I hope you enjoyed this week' s questions. If you have any suggestions please let  me know, won't you?


  1. My school was the same. Kids who went through business classes walked right into good secretarial jobs. Everyone, boys and girls, had to take classes in cooking and sewing. Now they've added a life skills class that teaches them how to plan a menu, shop on a budget, cook, take care of a baby, and handle basic banking.

  2. Yes, our school offered all of that...and as far as I know they still do. One thing they were lacking was the financial aspects of home management...personal bookkeeping skills, etc. I think that should be mandatory. Some towns down here still have drive in theaters and they seem to do well. Never heard of them being a place for crime, except for maybe a bit of a "passion pit" for teen-agers back in our day...therefore it was on the list of taboo places for me to go on a date. LOL. Hope you have a Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  3. This area of NY has really great high school classes; Home Ec., 4 H etc. and they are allowed to take classes at BOCES and the area colleges. I am really enjoying the Tuesday meme, Annie.

    Have a great day, friend.

  4. I think it's a great idea to go back to the other teachings as not everyone wants to go to college. There are so many careers that don't need college.

  5. Where I live, all students (male and female) take a version of home economics. We also have a program called BOCES, a cooperative among school districts, that provides career and technical education to students who are not college bound.

  6. I have never heard of a twice a week trash pick up. I would love that. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  7. We have twice a week trash pick up.
    Enjoyed your answers. Have a good Tuesday.

  8. Thank you for the great questions and I enjoyed your answers.. I am always enthralled with the idea of living on the coast with all the amenities! I am glad of our weekly trash pick-up.

  9. I enjoyed your answers and yes our schools do need to go back to those classes.

  10. Terrific questions !
    I wish the Life Skills program (with financial home bookkeeping)was mandatory for all students . Having the competency to manage well on one's own is vital for
    everyone . Sadly , math was not my friend in school . Finally mastering it , my freshman brand-new college checkbook was proudly presented to my father at Christmas break . He viewed it in private , but the outraged bellow that followed was memorable . The math was perfect .
    However , not having ANY training about the cause and effect of such , I didn't understand how there could possibly be an overdraft if I still had blank checks in the book !!! It was a wiser person who left that meeting...with a healthy respect for responsible banking ! Don't try this at home , kids !

  11. The garbage collectors come twice a week, but one of those visits is for recyclables.


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