z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Photos
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Photos

Here are some photos of ground and sky . I hope you enjoy them.
 As usual, they are taken in my neighborhood and in my yard and can be enlarged if you click on them.

Vinca grows like wildfire and stays pretty green most of the year lately

The Phragmites is starting to turn green again along the bay shoreline.

Roses, phragmites and the open bay from the deck.

late in the day

shopping center spectacular

Peeking out to the bay.. taken in Autumn.

Joining with Skywatch Friday.


  1. Beautiful by the sea. Hope you are well Annie. Stay safe. xx

  2. Impressive, beautiful photos!
    Sky, sea and nature, could there be anything better ?!
    Best wishes and stay healthy
    My contribution

  3. Love your beautiful pictures of the bay, and that sunrise/sunset? You have a never ending source of beauty surrounding you.

  4. Ok, I'll be right over, grin...only, I wish...sigh. Beautiful Ann, smiles

  5. So pretty and peaceful. Wish I was there!

  6. Very pretty skies. Have a safe and healthy weekend!

  7. Sigh. Makes me feel like I'm home. Have a nice week-end.


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