z Cottage by the Sea : Good Old Days
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, May 25, 2020

Good Old Days


Good Old Days

Welcome to Tuesday 4 begun by Toni Taddeo and kept in memory of her.
This week's subject is the Good Old Days.

1.Do you know who supplied the voice of Lamb Chop, Hush Puppy and Charlie Horse? It was Shari Lewis according to Reminisce.com.
It was a very popular kids show in the 50's and 60's.
 What childhood program meant a lot to you or taught you things you feel were important to you.
There are a few kids programs I like...but not many of the really old ones.
 I liked the Friendly Giant. Here is a quick 2 minute clip of that show.

 2. Is there a memory from your past that makes you feel at home, warm and nostalgic? Maybe you would share it with us. Perhaps there is  a story your parents told you that brings back good memories.
Coming home each day for lunch with my maternal grandmother who always had a wonderful lunch prepared for me.
 When I was in Kindergarten through about 2nd grade I went to my paternal grandmother before my other grandmother came to live with us and I was with her mornings to go to school and after school. At breakfast we would march around the breakfast table to radio music. After school, she made tea for us.
My paternal grandfather gave me allowance once a week and took me to see the trains several times a week. I am a huge railroad fan to this day. We went to see trains come and go and ride them all the time.

3.Dirty Dancing was a big hit movie of the 80's. Mullet hair dos for guys and huge puffy hair for girls was a hallmark of those days.
Did you dance at school dances, Proms, etc? What kind  of dancing did you enjoy?
I like the 2 step and danced it every weekend for many years in large western style clubs.

4. Do you think we have passed by the good old days or do you think we will be able to look back and see these as the good old days in the future? Will your kids or grand kids think they were?
I don't think there were ever any good old days in reality. Certainly not since the Garden of Eden. After that the world was left in a mess.
But today, I don't think this is a time anyone will look back on as good.  It is a time of ugliness and governmental harshness that simply does not have to be.
Every generation had it's hard times, however. We just need to look for another world and stop relying on this one which will never be right again.
The good place, Paradise, is not in this world and never will be. We go to it, it does not come to us.


  1. Somehow I find it hard to imagine you doing the "two step in large western clubs"...but then I remember you lived out west for a while. Sounds like fun. Your memories from your childhood and being with your grandparents before and after school are really sweet. You were blessed to have your grandparents nearby, and that you could spend so much time with them. I never really had that opportunity and don't have a lot of memories with my grandparents. I feel like I missed out on learning from their life experiences and wisdom. Thank you for this meme today. It has stirred up some thoughts and memories for me.

  2. I don't think I've ever heard of that giant show before. Interesting concept, though. It sounds like you had some wonderful grandparents. That is such a blessing. I had a grandmother like that and I am trying to be that for my own grandkids. Yep, we are just temporary visitors in this world. Hope lies in the promise of Christ. Have a good day, Annie!

  3. Hello , my friend !
    My maternal grandmother was a treasure ! She was a tiny , shy lady who was a stellar hostess...beautifully set table , wonderful food and a warm welcome to all . My mother and I seem to have followed in her footsteps...loving to take care of folks . A favorite memory of Nana involved sitting in her little kitchen , discussing the trials of that day . She always said "There is no trouble too big it can't be solved over a cup of tea" ...and so we did !
    She and Mom are sorely missed !
    Treasure those precious to you while they are still here !!!

  4. You reminded me of a dear memory of mine. Not a grandma but about me and my daughter, Amanda loved it when I had a doctor's appt or for rason I stayed home from school especially in the winter.. perhaps ot was my county got ore snow days, but AManda LOVED coming home to dinner on the stove.. She would come in hug and neck and show me so much more affection . saying oh mom, it smells so good in here quit your job and stay home to cook for me!!! AS teacher, many days was a latch key kid,, well, she was 13... But she came home to a cold dark house in the winter and had to fend for herself until I got home aroun and many time I was too pooped to jump in and start dinner. DInner would usually be more around 7.

  5. I love the memories you shared of your Grandparents. I have dear memories of mine also.
    I do not think there are actually any "good old days" either, but the way we perceived it as kids. I wish I could see with such innocence still....at times. Loved your answers! Have a great Tuesday!


  6. I love your memories of your grandparents. While mine were very dear to me, I didn't know them as well since they didn't live close by. It was over 100 miles and we visited, but it wasn't the same as that day to day knowing. Your last thoughts are good about the good old days. There is actually a Bible verse that speaks to that: Ecclesiastes 7:10 - Don’t long for “the good old days.” This is not wise.
    My DH and I met at a western place and he taught me the two step. We had so much fun in "those good old days."

  7. I've never heard of the Friendly Giant. Seems a little like Mr. Rogers show. I remember going home for lunch. It was my mom who was home. I've never done 2 step but it sure looks like fun!

  8. there may not have been good old days but there were times before I worried all the time. I loved Bewitched as a kid! These are really fun to read. We used to drive thru Jersey from MD to Lake Placid every year, I loved Princeton especially. Now we live in CO what a change... not the good old days for sure.
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  9. You brought back memories of me watching the Friendly Giant. Whenever I was sick and stayed home from school I would be watching the The Friendly Giant, Mr. Dressup and Chez Helene. The latter two shows were Canadian so I don't think you would have gotten them down south. I like the 2 step myself. I grew up in the far north where the only music listened to was C & W by the vast majority and hard rock listened to by mostly young people who liked to party hard. I was a bit of anomaly as my music of choice was folk music and opera. But I basically was exposed to much C & W everywhere.

  10. When I was growing up I listened to the radio. Only one person I knew had a TV. It was wonderful listening to the stories and hearing the music. I was allowed to go to the movies on Saturdays. I grew up without knowing my grandparents. One grandfather died before I was even born. The other 3 were living far, far away. I sometimes wish I had the input of their wisdom. But other times I am so thankful for the adventurous life I had growing up.


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