z Cottage by the Sea : Memorial Day
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day

dough boy memorial WWI in my home town.

We say happy out of habit, but there is nothing happy about a day for honoring the people killed in
horrible wars.
 Death is an enemy, not a friend.
The memorial to the war dead in my little childhood home town is in front of the library on the main street. It was dedicated in September of 1923 and is called "Iron Mike".
I have my poppy again this year.
I keep them on my purse all year long usually.
There will be no parade, no gatherings in my hometown or in my new town either. I find this very sad and cold.

 It is 60°F here on the Mid Atlantic seacoast and a bit humid and cloudy. I can easily stand cool weather for the rest of the summer and would be happy as a clam if it never rose above 70°F.
On the sea we are cooler in summer and warmer in winter than in state, though winds of winter on the beach are extremely frigid.

The last of the Wisteria is hanging on for a few more days but fades a bit more with each passing day.
It is a metaphor for life. We fade each day as well.
 Spring does not last long, though it is 3 months long like all of the other months.  Flowers come and go as quickly as they blossom it seems and on June 21st is the summer solstice.  That's when we start to long for Autumn and her spectacular fall days.
I learned a few years back that autumn and fall are different. While Autumn is the season, fall is when the leaves begin to come down off the trees.  I also learned we don't capitalize Autumn, but, I prefer it, so I do!


  1. I agree Annie, it's shouldn't be 'Happy' it should be Thankful Memorial Day. A time to remember and be thankful for the ones who gave their life fighting for our freedoms. Especially hard for me this year with all that's going in our country. Yes, I do love the USA but I'm appalled by so many things that are happening here today. I pray that God will heal the hearts of our citizens and our leaders, that He will bless us with inner peace as well as world peace.

  2. It is currently 89* here, Ann...and I have already had enough of summer, just keeping it real. It's suppose to be in the 90's for the rest of the week; way to early in the season for this.

    I find it sad no parades, no celebrations etc. Wouldn't want to upset the governors and their lackeys. We did not go to the parade this morning, I am not going to sit in a hot car. The rules they have set up are just confounded stupidity at its highest. No standing on the sidewalks, no standing in the streets, the parade was vechicles only...

    I agree, I have so much trouble with the Happy part of Memorial Day. As a lover of America, I am having a hard time with all the goings on...I better leave it at that.

  3. We had a rainy day today, which was lovely for a change! We need rain so badly. Our family had our own special Memorial Day observance, but for a different reason. I just wrote about it. I like the display your community has for Memorial Day. That looks very nice. I am sorry to see your wisteria is fading...but I know how that goes. I had some lovely wisteria vines at our previous home. I do miss them. sometimes they will come back again with a second round of blooms if the weather is just right. I like to capitalize Autumn also. Is it also my favorite season. Summer is much too long here in Florida. And spring is much too short. And winter hardly exists. God Bless America,land that I love! Praying for HER right now. There is much to pray about these days. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  4. Good Morning !
    Another interesting post .
    So grateful for the friendships of those who served our country . They were/are windows into history...mere boys and girls when drafted...exposed to horrors beyond our comprehension ...and yet are proud to have been a part of defending our country . What a shame there were no parades in their honor !
    Today's forced isolation is not really good for anyone...we are social beings and need to maintain social contact . Separating families and friends for governing individuals' arbitrary reasons speaks to a dark agenda , far beyond common sense hand washing and covering coughs .
    Praying for good health and safety for all , with open eyes


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