z Cottage by the Sea : Little Saturday Nine
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Little Saturday Nine

Weekends come very quickly sometimes and this is very true for this one. It seems it was
just the weekend a day or so ago.  It was nice a few days then some thunder storms took over and flowers began to pop up like crazy on bushes and trees.
I am joining in for Saturday 9 once again.

"Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. Now on to this week's questions."

Little Things (1964)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Bobby Goldsboro celebrates the "little things" that delight him, like seeing his girl smile. What are some little every day things that reliably lighten your mood?

Kids. Seaside. Clean house.

2) Bobby is a lifelong sports fan. While in high school, he came to terms with physical limitations -- slender build, slow speed -- that would prevent him from having a career as a professional athlete. That's when he turned his attention to music. Given your choice, would you rather make your living in music or sports? Explain your decision.
I am decent at both,but sports is dirty and many pro sports are fixed and iffy over all. So I suppose music though that industry is also tainted with crime. Actually I really wouldn't want to do either one.

3) Shortly before "Little Things" was released, Bobby toured England for two weeks, backing up Roy Orbison. They opened for The Beatles. Bobby fondly recalls spending time with Paul McCartney, teaching him how to imitate the croak of an Alabama tree frog. Are you good at imitations (human or otherwise)?

I can do a few cartoon voices. I can do  Looney Tunes character Cecil the Turtle, Horton the Elephant, Lady Elaine Fairchild from Mister Rogers, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Marlena Dietrich and a few others.

4) Back in the States, Goldsboro (again with Orbison) opened for the Rolling Stones in New York. Which band did you listen to more recently, the Stones or the Beatles?

Neither one.  Most recently I listened to Bon Jovi's You Give Love a Bad Name. You can hear it if you click the link

5) Bobby worked on projects with Burt Reynolds, doing the music for the movie Gator and the TV show Evening Shade. Burt said it was not only Bobby's musical ability but also his wit that made him fun to work with. What qualities do you value in a coworker?

Someone with a fun, friendly, non- competitive attitude, not petty or catty, team player.

6) These days, Bobby spends more time painting than performing music. He regularly donates his artwork to be auctioned off for charity. Have you ever tried your hand at painting?

Yes. I paint a lot and my headers on this blog are taken from my paintings.

7) In 1964, when this song was on the radio, women spent more on styling gels and sprays than they do today. Are you having a good hair day? Or has the pandemic made dealing with your hair something of an adventure?

Yes I am having a good hair day. I usually do.  The covid virus has not changed much in my life.
8) Nationally and internationally, one of 1964's biggest news stories was the marriage of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. The bride wore a yellow dress and white and yellow flowers in her hair. The groom was decked out in a sedate dark suit with a red tie and a yellow boutonniere. What did you wear the last time you got really dressed up?

A black silk evening gown  with  bolero jacket and long set of pearls, black  heels for the Opera.
I love dressing up.

9) Random question: Imagine you're stranded on a desert island with a complete stranger. Would you prefer your one and only companion be a man or a woman?

Definitely a man.

Hopefully I will be able to join in for Sunday Stealing tomorrow.


  1. You are very talented! I would like to see you in that dress. I bet you look great!

  2. Wonderful answers. I agree with #9. Definitely a man who is kind, considerate, and can protect and defend and provide food. I've read several old fashioned romance novels with that scenario, and they always end up falling in love and living happily ever after, once they are rescued and brought back "home". Makes for a good story, even though you know how it will end. I can imagine you were stunning in your long black dress, etc. I love dressing up too, but here where we live life is very casual and there really isn't any place to go all dressed up, except for church, but even that is semi-casual. I love your paintings, and would love to see more of them. I've told you this before, but I think they would make a wonderful calendar, and you should contact Lang or one of those companies that make really nice calendars and see if you can have yours published. I would definitely buy one. If I had to make a living at one or the other of sports or music, it would have to be music, although I don't play any instruments, but I love to sing. I was never very good at sports, being somewhat of a Klutz. (and left handed). But I agree, it would be difficult to make a living in either venue in today's society. Okay, thank you for this pleasant start to my day. I hope you have a beautiful day in your neighborhood! This was fun and interesting!!

  3. Your seascape painting at the top is breathtaking!

  4. I would love to hear you talk in all those voices! How fun to have that ability. And then there's your painting talent. Thank you for bringing more beauty into the world.

  5. I agree with Stacy, grin. You have so much talent, grin. Hey...so...my husband said SD gets way to cold, he said and I quote, "How about West Virginia?" sigh...

  6. Love, love the headers on your blog. Gorgeous. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  7. What a gorgeous dress! That is awesome you like to dress up. It makes me so uncomfortable. If I could wear comfortable shoes to dress up I would be fine.
    The seaside is a great answer for a mood lifter.
    I have always loved your headers! They are gorgeous. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.



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