Saturday, May 2, 2020

Stealing on Sunday for Fun and no Profit.

Happy first day of the week friends.
And, the first day of the week is always set aside for thievery. It is a old New England custom!
Well, maybe not but we can pretend.
So here I am joining in with Bev at Sunday Stealing.
You need to join in too.

" Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!"

 Stolen from Two Drifters

1. What is your favorite song lyric? Why?

♩.♩♫♩♩"Well, it's not far down to paradise, at least it's not for me
And if the wind is right you can sail away and find tranquility
Oh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and see. Believe me.".♫♪♩.♩
Why? Because it's about the sea.. duh!
But, to really be specific, this is not my only favorite lyric quote, not by a long shot.

2. Who was the worst teacher you ever had?
It's a tie.....
Miss Moody who locked kids in the dark cloak room. It had no windows and the door was solid oak. She also kept me after school berating me because I was having trouble with  the words strip and stripe.  The more she berated, me and  yelled, the less I knew.
I despised her and do to this day.
Then there is my 6th grade teacher who mocked Plato, Socrates,Aristotle because they believed in the Greek gods. I asked him if he was smarter than they were. He had to admit he was not. So, I said, "then you have no proof that these gods do not exist and men much smarter than you do believe it. Seems to me you should at least look into it.".  He never bothered.  I suspect he will be surprised when Zeus sends him to Tartarus.
 (Tartarus is the place where, according to Plato's Gorgias ( c. 400 BC), souls are judged after death and where the wicked received divine punishment.)
He also said "They lie to the children in the Soviet Union".  I raised my hand and asked him how we could know he wasn't lying to us.  He had, as usual, no answer. Terrible teacher who vomited back the same rhetoric he had been taught without any proof at all.

3. What were 3 things that scared you as a child?
Nothing really. I can't recall being scared at all.

4. What are 3 things that scare you now?
That people don't investigate things but believe whatever they are told.

5. Would you rather have the power of time travel or the power to see the future?
Time travel and I think we may well have that already.

6. Money, power, or good looks – which would you rather have an unlimited supply of?
Money. It can buy the other two.

7. Are you jealous of anything?
Not really.
8. What makes you feel most loved?
Kids and animals.
9. Do you believe in soulmates?
Absolutely not. That idea stems from reincarnation and pagan religion.

10. What is something that made you laugh the most?
A Purim shpielI saw on YouTube. Won't link it since you won't get it anyway.

11. What were 3 of the happiest days of your life?
Umm, maybe birthdays of kids.

12. What is your biggest flaw
Trusting people, having the wrong people in my life.

13. Who would play you in a movie about your life?  
Some sorry idiot who got roped into it I guess.

14. What is something you experienced that you have no explanation for.
There is an explanation for everything. But, I have had some seriously cool stuff happen.

15. What is the saddest book you ever read?
Story of a little child who dies on a pointy wrought iron fence. I do not like sad movies or books so, I don't read them anymore.

16. What is your dream home like?
I don't have one.

17. What creature/insect would most creep you out if you found it crawling on you?
Something poisonous.

18. What’s your preferred Monopoly piece?
I don't have one and don't feel like pulling the set out to see what the choices are.

19. What was your most embarrassing moment?
I honestly can't think of any.

20. Could the earth be flat?
Absolutely. There is a ton of proof that it very well could be
 But, again, people don't look into things at all, they just believe whats told to them.
The bible says that a fool answers a question before they hear it, meaning that you think you know all the answers when  you haven't even studied into the questions in order to be able to make an informed decision.
I am not saying it is or isn't, simply saying it could be.


  1. Geez, Ms. Moody was an awful teacher! I think ones like her were a lot more common back in the day. Thankfully, someone like her wouldn't last 5 minutes in today's schools.

  2. I really can't remember any bad teachers...professors, yes. (same thing I guess, lol)

    Have a great day Ann!!!!

  3. I don't like Miss Moody at all. Had she done that to me I would have kicked the door and made as much noise as possible.




  4. Enjoyed your answers.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  5. Wow..I'm glad I didn't have a Miss Moody. I had claustrophobia and it would have terrified me.

  6. Yikes, Ms Moody and My Mrs. B sound equally terrible.

  7. Love that you called your teachers out on things!

  8. I went to a Purim party in Skokie once. My exhb was Jewish. The kids enjoyed it.

  9. I can't imagine a teacher like Miss Moody. She certainly sounds like she lived up to her name...and the other teacher wasn't too smart either. My worst teacher was the cute football coach just out of college who thought he was really cool, but he knew nothing about teaching our Civics class and only talked about sports. He sent me to the office for talking in class when he was just sitting up there shooting the breeze with the guys about the football game. So I told the principal exactly what was going on. The teacher ended up getting fired, but not because of me. He went to the beach one weekend and got into trouble and ended up in jail...and so he was fired. But the football boys blamed me for ratting on him to the principal. Duh! Oh well, that was then, and this is now. Have a blessed day.

  10. School seems to hire the good , the bad and the ugly ( in spirit) !
    Wish I'd had your wisdom and self confidence...would have avoided
    sooo many bends in the road !
    Thank you for being my friend !


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