z Cottage by the Sea : All That Glitters
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

All That Glitters

In my garden.. NJ the Garden State

Weather was lovely Monday. Clear, clean air, low temperatures and low humidity. Tuesday is expect to be more of the same which will be just wonderful.
Last week was thunderstorms nearly daily and I do believe there are more to come in the next little while.

One of the first commands in the bible is to dress and keep the land. It is not to be left alone or wild but tended and made better by man who has dominion over it.
Every plot of land can be made better. Even wild land can be made better than it is if you tend and keep it.

Welcome to Tuesday 4 where we keep alive the weekly meme started by our good friend Toni Taddeo. I think she would be pleased to see people joining in.
 Let's talk about all that Glitters!

1. Everyone has a   birth stone and a birth flower.
 What are yours?

My gemstone is Topaz and my flower is the Chrysanthemum. Football Mums are a favorite of mine.

2. Gold glitters and California is the Golden State.  What is your
state called?
New Jersey is the Garden State because it is known for its gardens , truck farms and greenery.Our climate is very good for flowers and veggies and everyone seems to have a well developed garden.

3. "All that glitters is not gold' goes the old saying.
 Do you have a favorite saying or biblical verse you will share with us?
Psalm 94:16 Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity?

 .   4.Glittery greeting cards or plain?
 Which is your preference?

Glittery.. the more the merrier! I like glittery things.


  1. Glitter does brighten cards and crafts. Once I let the grands use it and it was so messy and hubby got a speck in his eye. So no more glitter for them. I do like to find material and ribbon that has shimmering flecks.

  2. Grinning, "Glittery...the more the merrier! I like glittery things." Yep, For me, its not so much about glitter its BLING. LOLOLOL

  3. I envy you that wonderful climate. There or the DelMarVa peninsula would be close to paradise for me. Love the big mums and topaz, too. Topaz was my Nana's birthstone. I had her ring with the big stone and gifted it to our daughter-in-law because it was her birthstone. Wish I had known how that was all going to work out and kept it. She barely speaks to us and she doesn't wear rings. Knowing her, it's been hocked.

    1. Oh, that's awful! I am practically in the Delmarva because our pennisula hangs down into it.

  4. I enjoyed your answers today.
    Have a great Tuesday.

  5. Since meeting you I have become more aware of how pretty New Jersey is, always love the pictures you share here and on facebook. Sorry I didn't join in today, hopefully I'll be here next week. ((hugs))

  6. I remember selling and buying the football mums! They are so pretty.
    I am a glitter fan too! Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


  7. Enjoyed reading your answers. Have a great rest of the week.

  8. We always got those giant mums for homecoming in high school. I wonder if anyone does that anymore? I haven't seen them in years. You do live in a lovely place. I never realized how pretty NJ was until you started sharing more of it with us. My husband's father's family was from Newark originally, and that wasn't too pretty, but those that are left in NJ I think live in the mountain areas. I actually joined in the glittery fun today!! Thank you for doing this. God bless and have a wonderful week.

  9. Annie, it is always so fun to join in with Tuesday 4. Thank you for carrying on! This is a relief from the cares of the world.. just sharing the sweet things of life. The wonderful memories... I, too, love things that glitter.. I love the light of glittery things!


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