z Cottage by the Sea : Would You Rather.. Sunday Stealing
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Would You Rather..
Sunday Stealing

John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton
Welcome friends!
. As I write this I am a laid back seaside girl living in New Jersey, a dystopian state run by a buck toothed dictator with bad hair. (Why do so many politicians of late have bad hair? Can they not afford combs?)
Vice Admiral Sir George Carteret, 1st Baronet

New Jersey, for those who do not know,is the 4th smallest state in the Union but the 2nd wealthiest, though you could not tell it by me.   Nonetheless, we have the highest number of millionaires in the United States. 
 It was founded by Dutch and Swedish settlers who named it New Netherlands in 1616. 
The English, however, took it from them in 1664 and renamed the place The Province of New Jersey after the isle of Jersey.
 The Crown granted it as a royal colony to Sir George Carteret and John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratto, both of whom had rather bad hair styles as well.
Captain Cornelius Jacobson May
Names of counties in NJ reflect her English background: Monmouth, Middlesex,Mercer, Somerset, Essex, Sussex, Burlington,Salem, Camden, Glouscester and Cumberland. Towns reflect similar background in names.  I suppose the colonists were homesick.
Only two counties retain  their  Dutch heritage and that is Bergen county and  Cape May county, named for Cornelius Jacobson May, a Dutch sea captain, Dutch explorer and fur trader who actually seems to have owned a comb and brush and a reliable mirror!
He captained the ship  Blijde Boodschap which means Joyful Message. Today, the town of Cape May in the county of Cape May is the southern most town on the cape of NJ and a quite lovely Victorian seaside resort. I highly recommend it for a visit.
Imagine all that lovely history now in the hands of an egomanical man with bad hair and buck teeth! 

A Sunday Thief!

My joyful message of today, though, is that we are once again doing our  lovely Sunday Stealing !
It warms the cockles of me little heart!

                     Would you rather?

"Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. (Past hosts include: Our first - Judd Corizan, Mr. L, Kwizgiver and Bud) Cheers to all of us thieves!"

* Would you rather work in a group or work alone?
In a group but alone within that group. 

* Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly?
The talker whom I think I could train to be more circumspect in their speaking. Trust me on that, please.

* Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold.. I dislike the heat quite a lot. I reserve the right to have extra wool blankets,  coats, scarves, sock and gloves available at all times.

* When you’re old, would you rather die before or after your spouse?
Don't have one so I don't care. But if I did I suppose it would be better to go first so they can give you a big proper send off!

* Would you rather have a cook or a maid?

A cook since though I am a good cook, I don't enjoy cooking all that much. It is a great lot of work for very little.  Holidays take hours to prepare and a half hour to eat! Then the clean up!! Oh my.

* Would you rather be the youngest or the oldest sibling?
I have no preference on this really. Though, as the youngest I was able to extort great amounts of money from my much, much older brother when he was chatting up girls on the phone. He'd pay me quite handsomely to leave him alone and go away!  I was independently wealthy by ate 9.

* Would you rather get rich through hard work or through winning the lottery?

The lottery as it is unlikely I would make the fantastic amount of money the lottery offers by working hard.

* Would you rather have a 10-hour dinner with a headstrong politician from an opposing party, or attend a 10-hour concert for a music group you detest?
10 hours with the politician as I would enjoy annoying him.

* Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or a Nobel Peace Prize winner?
Nobel peach prize as it comes with a million dollar prize.

* Would you rather have a desk job or an outdoor job?
I've always thought an outdoor job would be ideal!

* Would you rather live at the top of a tall NYC apartment building or at the top of a mountain?
The NYC apartment building as long as it overlooked Central Park or the Hudson River.
 I've lived at high elevations in the mountains and in winter you cannot get in or out because of the snow. Just too inconvenient.

* Would you rather have Rambo or The Terminator on your side?

Terminator I think.

* Would you rather be proposed to in private or in front of family and friends?
Private. I find the public displays awful. I would not be interested in a man who would plan such a proposal and it would definitely turn me off if he did.

* Would you rather have to sew all your clothes or grow your own food?
Sew clothing as depending on growing your own food is very iffy at best.

* Would you rather hear the good news or the bad news first?
Bad news, then be cheered up with good. For instance, the bad news is we are having a perfectly terrible meal for dinner. The good news is that  dessert  is Belgian pastry!

* Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else?
Someone else and let them take the risks. Business ownership means high risk.

* Would you rather have nosy neighbors or noisy neighbors?
Neither. Both are awful.

* Would you rather be on a survival reality show or dating game show?
Neither. I just don't cae for reality shows at all. I find them very low class and boring.

* Would you rather be too busy or be bored?
Too busy would definitely be easier to handle for me.

* Would you rather watch the big game at home or live at the stadium.
In a stadium with others.  Right now I am rather off sports as the athletes seem so very full of themselves and their worth lately.

* Would you rather spend the day with your favorite athlete or you favorite movie star?
Movie Star as I think they might be more interesting. They'd have some interesting stories of the business to tell.

* Would you rather live where it is constantly winter or where it is constantly summer?
As I don't like extremes, neither one.

* Would you rather travel the US and see the sights in a motor home or by plane?
A motor home as you'd see more and experience more.

* Would you rather be a little late or way too early?
 A bit late.

* Would you rather have an unlimited gift certificate to a restaurant or a clothing store?
A restaurant although now, with our bucktoothed tin horn dictator governor, we are completely locked down (the only one of the 50 states still in that condition) with no let up in sight. So a gift certificate would be useless for us.
Yet, my friends, take heart.. It is perfectly okay to riot and demonstrate in the US without masks or social distancing nonsense, so... the answer is to riot in the restaurant as you eat!! Crowds of rioters are not able to get the virus!

* Would you rather date someone you met online or go on a blind date? 
  Blind dates are usually people who can't get dates with normal people in a normal manner. I was talked into it twice and both were awful people who no girl in her right mind would date if she had known them beforehand. Awful stuff.
I've never met anyone from online in person so I don't know about that.


  1. Now that you mention it, a high rise with a view would be nice. I have been to the top of the Rock and the views were amazing! I can only stand so much of the news. I wonder if we will see a rise in Covid?

  2. I didn't think about getting out of the mountains
    in the winter, you have a good answer.
    Have a good Sunday.

  3. Bahahaha! Now, why didn't I think of the torture route with the politician?? I have the same thoughts about holiday meals...all that work, a whirlwind of eating, and then all that cleaning up. Sigh.

  4. I agree about the politician - totally.




  5. My husband proposed to me in a quiet little restaurant booth. Neither of us realized the tables next to us had caught on to what was happening when he pulled out the box with the ring in it. As soon as he slipped the ring on my finger the people at the table nearest started clapping and shouting, "She said yes!" So what was supposed to have been private turned out not to be. I didn't really mind, though.

  6. Hmm...I never thought of money with the Nobel Prize.

  7. Thanks for all the sharing. It's nice to get to know fellow bloggers. - Margy


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