z Cottage by the Sea : Beautiful People /Bloom Where You're Planted
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Beautiful People /Bloom Where You're Planted

Beautiful People
The weekend came quickly. It was just Saturday a day ago it seems.
But life hurries along doesn't it?
 I am joining Saturday 9 again this week.

 Beautiful People by Ed Sheeran
Unfamiliar with this week's tune?
Hear it HERE.

1) This song is about the fantasy of being one of the "beautiful people," but how hollow the reality
can be. Do you often find yourself envying others for what they have?
No. I don't dream about houses, things, buying, or being someone else.  It leads to envy and dissatisfaction with what you have. I don't want that in my life anymore.
I want to deal with things as they are.

2) Ed Sheeran sings that he and his girl don't fit in well because they're "just ourselves." Who among your close friends do you find it easiest to be "just yourself?"
No one really.

3) The lyrics refer to Hummers and Lamborghinis. What's your dream ride?
Again, I don't do this kind of fantasy dreaming anymore.  I want a car that is comfortable big enough and runs well. That's it.

4) Ed believes in giving back. One cause he supports is No Cold Homes, which helps ensure that everyone in the English city of Bristol has the fuel needed to keep their homes safe and comfortable. Here in the United States, he's raised funds for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Is there a cause that's near and dear to your heart?
Danny Thomas' Saint Jude hospital for kids.

5) Ed's arms are covered in tattoos, so clearly he doesn't suffer from trypanophobia, or a fear of needles. How about you? Do you look away when the doctor gives you a shot?
No. I want to see if the idiot is doing it correctly or not. Many of them have no clue really. 

6) One of Ed's tattoos is a bottle of Heinz Ketchup. What condiments would we find if we peeked into your refrigerator this morning?
I don't keep  nost condiments in the refrigerator. I keep them in the cabinets.  I have salt free Ketchup, Dijon mustard, Kosciusko Polish mustard and Nathans mustard.
All that is in the refrigerator is mayonnaise.

7) Ed is a natural redhead, a trait he shares with only 2% of the population. Does red hair run in your family?
Yes it does. My little girl had strawberry blonde hair. My uncle and great aunt were red heads and one grandfather had dark auburn red hair.

8)  In 2019, when this song was released, the FDA recommended the approval of a drug for treating peanut allergies in children. Do you suffer from any food allergies, or sensitivities?
Peanuts give me migraine headaches as does chocolate.

9) Random question: What of these do you think is the biggest contributing factor to success -- hard work, luck or talent?
Who you know is the underlying trick. Many hard working, talented people never get a break and those who know people, but have no talent and don't work hard do very well.
King Solomon spoke of this saying the evil prosper, the innocent are blamed etc.


  1. I didn't know you could keep those condiments unrefrigerated once opened! That's something new for me! I agree with you regarding a vehicle...it must be large enough and reliable! We currently have a vehicle that is 14 years old and is still going strong. We know we will have to trade it some day, but we keep holding off as long as we can because we don't want to make car payments again. We never buy new cars anyway. I agree with your last response also...it sometimes amazes me at the people who succeed in life and those who can't get a break. BTW, I am a natural born redhead and so was my dad. In my genealogical research I am trying to find out where this came from! I hope you have a blessed and beautiful day today. We have Saharan Dust in the air, so will probably stay indoors.

  2. Lovely header...thoughtful post...many thanks for both !
    So nice that the video portrayed the couple focused on each other , amidst the nuttiness surrounding them and not drawn in to the superficial .
    Looking forward to tea with a friend today...

  3. LOved your responses.. Yes, We enjy having a alot of car around us on the interstates when we drive up to Massachusetts.. And we keep our cars for usually a decade!

  4. My Sequoia is 15 years old and still going strong. I will keep it maintained. As I get older, it would be nice to have someone to drive me the long distances that I would prefer not to drive. I like your content with reality attitude. St. Jude's is wonderful.

  5. I totally agree with you on #9! Love your fireworks header! Loved your answers! Have a great weekend.


  6. Hmm. I've been having more migraines recently and my doctor had told me to eat more nuts for my cholesterol and other issues. I wonder if that is contributing to the migraines. Might have to do a little experiment on that. Thanks!


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