z Cottage by the Sea : Thunking
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, June 28, 2020


Meanwhile,in NYC, hundreds want the police de-funded.
In a city that hosts  nearly 10,000,000 plus millions of commuters on a daily basis, that is a drop in the bucket.  The city is dying a painful death. Those of my neighbors who work in the city are all working from home now as it is also just too dangerous to go there.
 Folks, politicians are the worst enemy of the people, regardless of their politics,  right or left. Politicians are the ones who destroy nations.
God save us from governments!

Now let's get on to Sunday Stealing, which, in this case, is a laudable activity!

Questions from Thursday Thunk

1. If you could be a Muppet, which would you be?

     I would be Kermit. He is green, I am green. He sings, I sing.He' cute, I am .. well, okay 2 out of 3.

2. Why is a chicken crossing the road in the first place??
to get to the other side you silly head!

3. What's your favorite muscle?
4. Cheerios or Rice Krispies?
    I don't want either of them. GMO and they spray cereal boxes with Round Up. Remember weevils? You don't see them anymore because the boxes are sprayed with cancer causing crap.
I only buy imported cereals from Europe where it's illegal. Wake up America. Sheesh.

5. Is summer ever going to get here?
             It is here. Are you sleeping?

6. Have you ever had a utility turned off by mistake or some other reason besides weather or nonpayment?
Electricity so it could be worked on. Water when they took us off wells and onto the crappy city water. What a scam that was! Our well water was pure and tasted good. City water is not good at all.

7. What was your "last day" of something?
    Last week I had a last day of understanding and became totally fed up with people.

8. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which one would you choose?
  Oh, I would love to be with Hercule Poirot or Miss Marple for a month. Oh, yes I should say I would!  I would also enjoy a month with Rosemary and Thyme, a series that didn't last long enough at all!

9. Did you have any type of class trip, band trip, etc in high school? Where did you go, what did you do?
We had tons of them.  Usually we went to the museums in New York City like the MOMA, the Natural history, Metropolitan Museum.
 We went to Carnegie hall for rehearsal shows, we visited shipping ports and naval installations, we went to the statue of liberty. Classes went to Mystic , Connecticut for the tall ships.
We went to Valley Forge and Revolutionary sites throughout New Jersey like Washington's winter headquarters in Morristown. We visited dairy farms and learned how they work, etc.

10. Do your feet smell?  No they don't. Both my mother and I never had that problem or much need for deodorant. It is in the genes. Japanese have genes like that and like many Orientals, I have no body hair.So, I must have some Oriental genes in me somewhere.

11. Do you know how to french braid?
 Yes and often do my hair in one.

12. Two guys are walking down the street. One drops his hat and reaches down to pick it up, the other kicks him in the ass. Do you laugh?
No. I would be disgusted .  That's a downright rotten thing to do.  I dislike people who do things like that intensely. They are like those who pull chairs out from under people.
Injuring the tailbone leads to paralysis, loss of bowel and urinary function and it doesn't take much to cause that.

13. You wake up one morning and dogs are meowing and cats are meowing - what are fish, elephants and crocodiles doing?
They are having a party in the water and being kind and sweet. The crocodile is wearing a party hat and a tie with a double Windsor knot!

14. You are going to your high school reunion. What award are you going to win?
The I was nice to people award

15. You find yourself stranded on a deserted island. Soon you find a laptop with a lifelong battery & internet connection, then you find a cave with an endless supply of food and a spring of fresh water. A cruise ship comes along to save you - do you get on it?
Yes. Living alone is for the birds, trust me. Well, sometimes. Not always.

16. How many shortcuts do you have on your desktop?
A few.. a few..

17. I offer you a pie... the most delicious pie you have ever seen. You either have to eat the entire thing in one sitting or allow me to slam it into your face, which do you choose?
I will cut myself  the piece I want and no one who knows me would ever attempt to push a pie in my face.  You will sincerely regret it if you do. I will not find it funny and I will retaliate with  a more violent response.  I am, after all, a Jersey Girl.   

18. Are you a pen stealer?
No. I give them back.

19. A dude from China comes up and offers you German chocolate cake, French fries and a Boston cream pie... what color is your car?
It is Candy Apple Red of course. There is no other answer! Well, my car is NOT candy apple red but, it seemed like the right answer.

20. Sometimes you just have to tap your foot to your favorite song - which tv series season finale are you watching?
Just finished watching the season finale of  Legacies.


  1. "God save us from governments!"

    He will.

  2. The only true government is His !
    Humans are a rebellious lot...
    always taking the hard , rocky road of our own choosing .

  3. Since you already know my thoughts about the government and such...I'll refrain, LOL.

    I fractured my tailbone/coccyx 2 springs ago, fell on the ice and let me tell you, it has been torture.

    I enjoyed your answers, Ann. Hope you have a beautiful day friend.

  4. Wow...this was fun and interesting, and I'm glad I didn't try to do it. You answer these so well. I am sure you are much cuter than Kermit the Frog, btw. LOL. You really got to take a lot of interesting class trips. I guess living so close to NYC does have some advantages. We went to Marineland in St. Augustine, Ybor City in Tampa for our Spanish Class trip, and except for a few class picnics at our wonderful springs, that's about it. No overnight trips. I'd be tempted to stay on that island...but probably not alone. Oh well..Have a great day.

  5. Sorry I didn't get around to any
    comments yesterday.
    I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a good Monday.

  6. This was a fun week for SS. Your answers were great. And. I really wonder what will happen next with the government. I don’t think that I actually worry about things but I now have TMJ from clinching my teeth at night!

  7. Candy apple red seems like the right color for you, too. I have a friend in England who is upset about Brexit because they will be importing more from the US than Europe and she, like you, is concerned about quality and the chemicals and all. We are doomed here in the US.

  8. Hahahah, I said my car was red, too, but I haven't owned a red vehicle since the early 90s. Perhaps I want our next car, or maybe a motor scooter, to be happy red.

  9. Miss Marple, of course! I watched several of her movies this past weekend, she's an awesome sleuth!!


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