z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Photos
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, June 5, 2020

Friday Photos

Thunderstorms are ripping through the night as I write this a little after midnight on June 5.

 Here are some photos for Friday Photos and Skywatch Friday.

The first two photos was taken tonight at midnight while a storm was ripping through the area.. well it still is actually.  It is pitch black outside but you can see how the lightning lit up the sky.

Come again friends.


  1. Always enjoy your photos !
    The contrast between the green phragmites and the blue storm sky is lovely...
    so happy to be by the shore !
    Be safe and well , my friend !

  2. I would have been scared, but it was quite photoworthy. And then that last picture makes me nostalgic for water and the seaside. Oh well. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  3. I trust the storm did no serious damage. Made for some interesting photos and excitement. Love the sunset (or is that sunrise?) It's beautiful either way. I'm thinking your water is east, so I am assuming it is a sunrise, but I could be wrong. I always hate to admit it, but it does happen. LOL. Have a blessed day.

    1. We had a derecho too. Trees, limbs came down. It is sunset. That photo is the cove facing west. :)

  4. Looks like that one person is talking on her phone or just took a photograph and checking to see if it is OK or not. mmmm. The sun reflection is interesting. Glad the storm kept you safe and sound. Have a great weekend.

  5. Hope you weathered the storm OK. That last photo is gorgeous!

  6. Is that your family in the last picture? Great pictures. I really like your header too!

    1. No Susan, I have no idea who they are b ut they are in shadow so I didnt think they'd mind.

  7. I just love your photos, smiles. Thank you Ann for always brightening my day.


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