z Cottage by the Sea : Grand Old Flag
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Grand Old Flag

Happy Fourth of July!
Last night's July 4 celebration from South Dakota was absolutely amazing.  But to me, the 4th is always amazing and wonderful.
It symbolizes so much and so many.
 Today is picnic day and fire pit night with the family and friends right in our own neighborhood.

 I am joining in for Saturday 9
You're a Grand, Old Flag

Unfamiliar with James Cagney's 1942 version of this song? Hear it here in a clip from the movie.
Cohan loved America. The song mirrors that love, a love I share.

1) The flag we currently fly, with 50 stars and 13 stripes, was designed by a high school student. When Alaska and Hawaii were added, President Eisenhower invited Americans to submit designs for how best to incorporate the two new states. Ike chose 17-year-old Robert G. Heft's submission from more than 1500 entries. Tell us about a contest you entered and won. (Or really hoped to win.)
I won a gold medal for running and a large trophy for  running as well.

2) The government also has another of Mr. Heft's designs waiting: one that incorporates a 51st star if another state is added. When you were in school, did you memorize the states and their capitals?
Yes. Geography was a big subject when I was in school.

3) Six American flags have been planted on the surface of the moon. Those are undoubtedly the flags farthest from you this morning. Where is an American flag flying near you today?
 On  the front of my house.

4) This version of the song was performed by James Cagney in the 1942 classic, Yankee Doodle Dandy. Have you ever seen it?
I used to watch that film over and over again as a re-run on television. I knew all the songs and dialog.

5) In that film, Cagney portrayed George M. Cohan, the composer of this week's song. In 1940, Cohan was honored by with a Congressional Gold Medal. In presenting him with the award, President Roosevelt specifically thanked Cohan for "You're a Grand Old Flag," "Yankee Doodle Dandy," and "Over There." What's your favorite patriotic song?

The Star Spangled Banner because of the story behind it, which is truly inspiring and our national Hymn, God of Our Fathers. You can see that story in my Tuesday 4 post.

6) Though a performer his entire life, Cohan disliked listening to recordings of his own voice. How about you? Do you like your singing and/or speaking voice?
I took singing lessons for a long time. My teacher sang with the Met in the chorus and was very strict in her methods. She required you to listen to your own voice to see your mistakes, etc.
It was educational and helpful and taught you to see what was good and what was bad.
Sometimes I like my voice, sometimes I don't and I am very critical of it .

7) James Cagney won the Oscar for Best Actor his performance as George M. Cohan. Also nominated that year was Gary Cooper, who portrayed Lou Gehrig in Pride of the Yankees. Tell us about another movie about a great American.
I can't think of any that were not either made up, altered, fictionalized or overly played down, or played up.

8) As a teen, Cagney juggled high school with a variety of jobs, including bell hop and delivery boy, and gave all his earnings to his family. Looking back, Cagney was grateful that he had to begin work early, saying, "I feel sorry for the kid who has too cushy a time of it. Suddenly he has to come face-to-face with the realities of life without his mama and papa to do his thinking for him." Do you agree?
Yes, I think he makes a good point.

9) Cagney had a rebellious streak. His boss, studio head Jack Warner, nicknamed Cagney, "The Professional Againster." Cagney joked that he enjoyed earning the title. What about you? Are you rebellious?
Yes but I think in a good way. I question everything and stand up for what I believe to be right come what may. I don't follow the crowd on much.

Tomorrow is Sunday Stealing and the new Tuesday 4 will go up.
See you then.


  1. You've led an interesting life. It's always neat to learn more about it. And you, not a crowd follower??? Nooooooo. Ha! Have a blessed and happy 4th!

  2. Wishing you a very Happy Fourth of July, my friend. smiles

  3. Hoping you and your family will enjoy a peaceful and happy 4th of July!! And thanks to you, I am going to read the Declaration of Independence again! It has been a while!! Thank you for reminding us to do so.

  4. You really can't beat the Star Spangled Banner! Happy 4th of July! I agree, last night was gorgeous! Enjoy your picnic! Loved your answers! Have a great day!


  5. Yes, we sang and them. The kids were so patriotic in elementary school. I wish we coud have sealed their brains to never lose their love of country!

  6. The Star Spangled Banner does have an interesting story. I just wish it were easier to sing!

  7. I so enjoyed my visit with you on this Saturday, July 4. Yes, the whole Mount Rushmore event was great, and I especially appreciate the positive yet firm message from the President.

  8. I do love the Star Spangled Banner and almost every patriotic song because of what they stand for. Enjoy your picnic.

  9. There is something wonderful about being a useful , appreciated part of a team...whether it is in sports , faith or country . The privilege of pulling together for the common good is powerful to accomplish common goals . It was that patriotism that led those to defend our fledgling country and its new flag then and deal with the threats to freedom since .
    Be safe and well


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