after midnight. It was a gorgeous, incredibly meaningful July 4th!
After a spectacular day, I am joining in for a lovely round of Sunday Stealing. I hope you are as well..
Here now is Bev....
" Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!"
Weather questions, adapted from Friday Five
1. Have you ever had a vacation ruined by the weather or did you just work around it?
No. Only been on 2 vacations as a kid and the weather was fine for both.
Oh.. wait. I did go to my cousins high school graduation as a very little girl. It was a weekend mini vacation to get there. It was cancelled as the day before we went through an F5 tornado. Does that count?
2. What small changes do you feel people could make to give the planet a fighting chance against global warming?
Well, like many scientists, I am iffy about global warming, global cooling or global whatever anything. Weather changes and Solar minimums, or Solar Maximuns etc, which can last for decades influence weather greatly. There is nothing you can do about it unless you find an alternative to the sun. The earth changes, adapts and returns to the way it was, then changes again.
If there is global warning, evolution teaches that the polar bears will adapt to the changes!
You will too. If there isn't and its just temporary because of the current Grand Solar Minimum, it will come and go. Just relax
So.. nothing you can do to stop Grand solar anythings.
What you can and should do, is fight the plastics pollution of the oceans, rivers, etc. Buy glass, or be very sure to recycle plastic in your home. But, get away from plastic grocery bags and use paper again. Paper is biodegradable and good for making soil. Throw then into your compost!
Keep water clean. Plastics are very harmful to your health as well.
Now listen, we went through an ice age and survived just fine! The world and people are resilient.
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Mt St Helens |
After Mt. St Helens exploded they said it would never be right again. Yet one year later things were growing and it was just fine. All returned to normal! The experts were wrong!
There was a year without a summer when Mt. Tambora in Indonesia exploded (The largest explosion of a volcano in recorded history), yet things righted themselves quickly after that. But it caused a volcanic world-wide winter and a year without a summer. Yup, no summer at all that year.
Calm down, recycle.. stop using so much plastic and behave yourself. You will be okay. I promise you.
Mother Earth will survive long after us!
Life is a series of ups and downs. Enjoy the ride as much as you are able.Go with the flow, bloom where you are planted and roll with the punches.
3. Are you adversely affect by the weather, such as SAD?
I have had spinal stenosis since I was about 28 or so and that involves arthritis. I can literally feel changes in atmospheric pressure with the onset of severe pain. It is most definitely weather based.Atmospheric pressure acts like a pressure bandage around the body. When pressure drops, inflammation rears its ugly head!
4. How is the weather where you are and have you seen drastic changes in it during your life time?
Not drastic but subtle changes. But again, this is from Solar minimums and maximums which have a profound effect on climate! Even Sahara dust storms and volcanic eruptions cause weather change.
We are now in a Grand Solar Minimum which will last from 50-75 years. Some areas heat up a bit, some cool down, but they will return again once the minimum is over.
There really is no normal, just what you feel is normal in your time.
History shows that climate changes back and forth continually.

Sit back, relax and do not panic. Take a day off and go sit on the beach where warm is good! Sunlight kills Covid, gives you Vit D which kills it too and keeps your bones strong and healthy.
5. Do you think we can stop global warming or is it too late?
There are things that should be done just for the sake of keeping the world clean and neat for human beings. But it is never too late to do anything except get to the bathroom on time after you wet your pants.
Look here....
1. Dress and keep the earth. Manicure forests and wild areas. Don't let them over grow. Over grown forested areas produce weak inferior trees that compete for sunlight. Forestry has done a lot to preserve forests in good health. Wilderness should be cared for by professionals who know how to harvest trees and keep them healthy. Trees have a profound effect on the world and the purity of the air you breathe.
2. I think it is necessary to reclaim the Sahara, Kalahari, Atacama and other deserts so that people can live there successfully. Don't tell me that if you can put a man on the moon you can't reclaim a desert. That is a lie. The truth is they do not care about the people who live in those areas much at all. It is entirely possible and should be done as there is more than enough land on this planet people. As it is now, most live crowded in cities. Reclaim and farm!
Humans on earth live on only a small fraction of the surface. Fix that! If you can put men on Mars and want to live there.. then why can't you make it possible for them to expand on so called inhospitable land on earth? Charity begins at home my friends. Rather than stuff people on to the moon or Mars, fix those deserts and let people farm there!
3. Plant more trees to produce more oxygen in the atmosphere and make people healthier. This is also a great thing. Trees take the carbon dioxide and produce more oxygen! They also shade the earth!
Plant you yard! Put plants inside your home/apartment to clean the air and produce oxygen for you.
4. Fight eyesore development. On this I agree with Prince Charles. Build things that are pleasing to the eye, not ugly trash. Build things that "fit" in. Don't put a cheap strip mall next to a glorious Georgian edifice ! Bring back quality in building and products.
Bauhaus architecture, (think of the Soviet style concrete block apartments and that is Bauhaus architecture) is a blight and produce depression in people (proven fact). Build things that produce good effects.
Build things that are conducive to uplifting the human psyche and condition. Put people first.
Cities must plant gardens even on roof tops! Bring Green into cities and inner city.neighborhoods. Let people be proud of their homes and surroundings.
Plant trees in the city, bring in shade and fresh air.
Planting trees will shade the earth and clean it up immensely!
6. What could you do for an hour or so today that you would really enjoy doing?
Shop at TJ Maxx. I need a few things I buy from them. I've not shopped since late February.
7. What could you do for an hour today that might improve your life in the future?
Shop for items I have need of which will allow me to get in some walking in the store.
8. What could you do for an hour today that could strengthen or improve a skill you would like to be able to rely on?
Walk. I haven't been able to and its weakened my core strength. I need to walk, walk, walk when I don't hurt too much. I need to be able to move to keep my walking ability up.
9. What could you do for an hour today that would make your living space more pleasant to live in?
I am going to get some lattice from Home Depot today to create a pot hanging wall divider in my kitchen. I can't reach them in the cabinets and this will work wonderfully for me.
I also need to plant some flowers in some outdoor pots and baskets.
I need to make up a salt water solution to kill the grass intruding into the drive way. (My drive way is beach pebbles) This is all on the table for Sunday.
10. What could you do for an hour today that would improve your relationships with loved ones?
I think my relationship with loved ones is very good.
11. Do you like, dislike, or pay no attention to the wind?
I like the wind. I like it as a breeze, I like it off the ocean, I like it in the winter when it moans through the pines and cedars. I like the scents it carries through the forest. I like the howling of it during a storm! I like how it shakes the leaves and blows the snow around into fragile lacy patterns.
12. Do you have allergies or sinus made worse by the wind?
Not that I have noticed. Wind should improve those conditions actually. by blowing away pollen and pollutants. Air by the ocean is usually extremely pure.
13. Have you ever been caught in a big wind (not a hurricane or tornado)?
Yes, the kind that can sweep you off your feet and blow your car off the road.
14. When was the last time you flew a kite?
As a little girl and and only once.
15.Would you like to have the power of flight?
If I could be safe from morons who like to shoot at things that fly, yes, it would be cool!
I am with you on global warming. Iffy is a good way to put my thinking on it. Weather and temperatures have ebbed and flowed all throughout time. I tend to think that's what's going on now. Remember when they taught in the 70's that we were entering another ice age? Missed the mark on that one, too!
ReplyDeleteHad a lovely 4th with dear friends and family...that makes every meeting a holiday !
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed my visit here (always do !) ...good questions and thoughtful answers .I like your Plan of Action for the Planet ! Sounds like a auntie's advice on how to lead one's life :"Keep your corner clean and try hard not to hurt anybody " . There is such beauty in this world...it requires careful , respectful care . Good post !
Enjoy your day , my friend !
((rolling eyes))) on the so called global warning nonsense...anyways--another great post, hope you take photos of your lattice work. smiles
ReplyDeleteI loved your answers. You hit global warming right between the eyes. Great answers in Toto! Have a wonderful day. For me , I want to go to Home Goods!
ReplyDeleteNo tornadoes in the UK - thank goodness.
Hi Annie.
ReplyDeleteSure would like to see your #9 answer when you are finished!
I enjoyed your answers as usual!
Have a great Sunday.
Excellent and interesting answers to all of the above. I learn a lot when I visit here. Global warming is another political hot potato that keeps getting tossed about with no real substance to back it up. Yes, we should all do our part to care for the earth in our part of the world. I like the paper bag idea. Even though plastic bags are made from recycled plastic, it just keeps more plastic going round and round, polluting the earth. It seemed like such a miracle material when it was discovered, and now it is destroying the earth. Bah to plastic. (but I do like to reuse the plastic grocery bags in my little trash cans, and also to bag up wet garbage to keep it from leaking). I agree, we need to plant more trees instead of cutting so many down for the sake of "progress". I hate to see trees cut down so more concrete buildings can go up and asphalt parking lots. So sad. That is why I live in a small country town and avoid the cities as much as possible. Just can't breathe in all that hot city air. Thanks for your post. Very good indeed.
ReplyDeleteGreat answers and very informative. I agree with Pamela, I always learn something when visiting with you. I you get everything done today, your list is long!! I think the lattice will look great, there's just something about lattice that is 'homey.'
ReplyDeleteI like your lattice idea for pots in the kitchen. If I had the wall space, I'd try it too. After seeing how well nature perked up after a few weeks of us, humans, in lockdown, I'm reassured that Mother Earth will be all right despite us. I wish, though, that more people would be kinder and responsible about the environment. That would translate to more people being kinder to themselves and others.
ReplyDeleteI mounted mine on the side of my pantry cabinet. I will be posting a picture Tomorrow.