z Cottage by the Sea : ~Random Tuesday 4 Questions~
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, July 27, 2020

~Random Tuesday 4 Questions~

Welcome friends!
 Weather today will be stormy again.

I am joining in for Tuesday 4 in honor of our dear friend Toni Taddeo.
 1. What kind of restaurants do you enjoy most and why? Do you have a favorite?
I like quiet intimate restaurants that  have quiet music.  I am not a fan of places that are noisy and where everyone is sitting in a huge group talking loudly. I am also not a fan of loud rock music while I eat unless it would be a restaurant with a rock and roll theme (like mine! wink)
I like French, Greek, German, British and Russian foods best.

2. Do you have a favorite cartoon from film, news or comic book?
As a kid I liked  comic books like Richie Rich, Archie, Dot and Little Audrey.
 In the papers comic section  I liked the Family Circus,  Peanuts and Blondie and Dagwood.
In films I like  Looney Tunes. I love watching those.
I also enjoyed the Batman comic series on TV everyday at 3PM and I still like Sponge Bob.

3.  Do you belong to any clubs or societies or organizations? Can you tell us about it?
I was a girl scout from Brownies on up to senior high school and have my curved bar which is equivalent to Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts.
I was also a Rainbow Girl (International Order of the Rainbow) which is  a Masonic organization for young women. 

4. The internet is filled with ads. Are there any ads that you enjoy seeing or hate to see?

I dislike a lot of them as they are annoying but there are 2 that I really enjoy. The new Dr. Squatch Soap commercials are a lot of fun and Old Spice had some wonderful commercials.   Of course I always like the Budweiser commercials with the Clydesdale horses.

Over the Years, The Simpsons have had many programs that portray real things, like Donald Trump as president, 9 11.. and more.  So I found this clip interesting and fun.


  1. Very interesting Simpson's. When did that air? Just wondering if it was way before our current crisis or during? They do have interesting story lines that mimic real life. I like your variety of restaurant cuisine. We don't have so many options down here where we live. We mostly have seafood, BBQ, or Mexican and then just plain old southern cooking. Nothing too exotic here. I was also a Brownie and Girl Scout, but didn't get quite as far as you did. Sadly nowadays the Girl Scouts are just a way to indoctrinate young girls into the liberal far left feminist agenda supporting Planned Parenthood. I am glad I don't have any little girls participating. They sure did change over the years. Thank you for sharing this each week. I may not always participate, but I enjoy reading what others are writing.

    1. Girl Soouts are still a great organization. It is the leaders of the troops who determine where things go. My littles were in girl scouts and learned skating, home ec, camping, etc. nothing about any far left indoctrination. The leaders were ladies from the neighborhood. Same as when I was a girl scout. We learned to camp, sew, athletics, pottery making, hiking, gardening but nothing political in any way.

  2. HA! IF I am ever allowed back on FB, I will have to post this Simpson meme, LOLOL. So very true, my friend, sigh. I always enjoy the Tuesday Meme, my friend.

    On another quick thought... UGH, Did you see Tucker Carlson last night he had Ian Smith the NJ gym owner...man your governor is such a (((insert bad name))). It seems our governors are 2 peas in a pod, sigh.

    1. Yup. I am a big supporter of the Atilis gym. Governor Murphy is a criminal. A terrible tyrannical thug.

  3. You brought back a great memory! I love the comics you added, Archie, Little Audrey. Thanks for the memory!

  4. Wow, you really went far in Girl Scouts! I think I made it through 1 year as a Brownie and that was about it. Gotta love the Simpsons! :D

  5. Love this header ! Fireflies are one of my favorite creatures , with Peepers , hummingbirds , plover...
    Funny clip...life imitating art...indeed !
    Stay safe and well

  6. I did not put any former organizations I belonged to...I thought it was current. Budweiser has great commercials. Loved your answers! Have a great Tuesday!


  7. A quiet restaurant sounds prefect to me. I don't care for crowds and noise when I'm eating. I was a girls scout. Gosh that was a long time ago. Budweiser commercials are the best!

  8. Loved your answers today.
    I was also in the Order Of Rainbow as a young girl.
    Have a great Tuesday.

    1. Yay! Another Rainbow Girl! I rarely meet any anymore.

  9. Wow Annie on the Simpson's! Dang. I'm surprised their libtard friends didn't object to the truth like that. Since I'm the only one still on FB, it is now posted there.
    Loved all your answers.


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