z Cottage by the Sea : Weather or Not...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, August 10, 2020

Weather or Not...

Hey Friends! Welcome to Tuesday 4.
Weather or Not...

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit”  Jeremiah 17:7-8

1. What kind of weather pleases you the most?
I think it depends on my mood. I like most kinds of weather from hot and sunny to cold and freezing to wet and stormy. I would not like any one of them on a regular basis which is why I like living where there are 4 seasons.
2. Do rainy days bother you or do you find them a time to relax and take it easy?  Any puddle jumping in your life? 

No. I find them relaxing and it gives a chance to feel safe and cozy indoors. I used to love walking to school in the rain and coming home after a storm.
I also love walking while it is snowing at night. It's wonderful to see the yellow light from homes streaming out onto the fresh new snow. It is so quiet that you can hear the sound of the falling snow. Its good to get cold and then come home and warm up. In summer it is good to get hot and then cool down in water or with an ice cold drink!
3. Do you have meals you enjoy in certain kinds of weather or certain seasons? Please share with us?
I love to eat meals based on the seasons and the holidays.

I like soups and stews and chili in the fall and winter, along with fall meat dishes from my Good Housekeeping Cookbook from 1969.  It gives menus for all the seasons and days of the week. Best cookbook EVER!
Summer : Charcoal grilled chicken, roasted veggies, cold salad.
Fall:Weinerschnitzel or Sauerbraten or Rouladen, red cabbage, Spätzli .(Oktoberfest!!)
Winter: Chicken Parmigiano with  Zucchini and French Bread.
Spring: Swiss Veal Cutlet, peas and rice (you can use chicken)
4.As the prophet Jeremiah tells us,  It is a good idea to bloom where you are planted.
How do you handle stormy weather and does a day need to be sunny for you to enjoy it? Why not give us hints on enjoying any kind of weather.
Most things can be handled by your attitude. If you can change your attitude and your mind set you can handle much more than you think you can.
Of course, everyone gets tired of the same weather day after day. When living out west I grew tired of the constant sunny days and used to wish for some rain or clouds to add spice to life.
" Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it."— Proverbs 25:16
 I think Proverbs is the most important book in the bible if you believe in God. After you believe you must know how to act.  Proverbs is the guide to life.

Thank you for joining in. I am trying to come up with interesting question. Do you like them so far?


  1. Great answers! And your meal ideas for all seasons are good! Now that I've read your post I want to go back and add some things to mine! LOL. No, I think I'll leave it alone. I am thankful that summer will soon be fading away, even though in Florida it takes a while longer, but there is hope on the horizon! Just gotta get through hurricane season first! Thank you for doing this, Ann. It is very enjoyable.

  2. Being in Florida I would have to answer exactly the same as Pamela! I am definitely enjoying the questions. If you ever get stuck ask the players to email you a couple week's worth of questions. I'm sure everyone would pitch in to help. Thanks so much for hosting :)

  3. I like rainy nights and fall and winter nights, too, for the same reason...love the coziness of the lights streaming out. It makes the world seem a little more hospitable.

  4. As you know, I have to live where there are 4 seasons. I am so done with living in a place that has only summer weather, lol. That's just me, no, let me say hubby told his brother NO on moving to Georgia. It seems, he doesn't like the one season either, LOL.

  5. Interesting questions and answers !
    I enjoy seasonal cooking , too ! The weather seems to dictate what to eat and the summer fruits canned as preserves and condiments are lovely during the colder months( and as gifts !) There is something so satisfying about "putting up " produce only available for a very short season...like the Italian prune plums in September that go into Plum Honey Preserves...soooo good !!!
    Take good care of yourself , my friend and know that all of us wrap you in prayers for healing , health and happiness !

  6. I think taking a walk at night in the snow sounds wonderful. We do not get enough snow here to make any difference, but it does sound nice. Love your answers! Have a nice Tuesday!


  7. Love your questions, keep up the good work.
    We have all 4 seasons here and my favorites
    are Spring and Fall.
    I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a good Tuesday my friend.

  8. It's good to like all kinds of weather because we sure get all four at one time or another. Even had snow (yeah, SNOW) in SE Georgia on January 3rd, 2018! So cool.
    And Jeremiah is one of my favorite Prophets to read. I have part of the Holy Scripture, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11) on the entertainment wall. xx

  9. AS always, I love your answers so thughtful and inspiring!!!

  10. I never thought I would get use to living in a place that doesn't have 4 seasons but I have! Even though it is sunny CA we still have season's, we just don't get snow. We do often get down to freezing. Rainy days can be very relaxing. " If you can change your attitude and your mind set you can handle much more than you think you can." Great advice!!!

  11. ATTITUDE, that's what it's all about. Our attitude can make us or break us. Sometimes I have to work hard to have and keep a good attitude. Keeping in God's Word works wonders for me. :)


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