z Cottage by the Sea : 20 Questions.
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, August 9, 2020

20 Questions.

Joining in for Sunday Stealing.

"Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!"

Stolen from League of Extraordinary Penpals
1. What are your plans for August?
I really don't have any plans.
2. Review the first half of 2020
It was alright until March then it began to be stupid and wrong.
3. A place you’d go if money were no object.  I would tour Montana, the Dakotas, spend time on Prince Edward Island.
4. Who was your childhood best friend?
I really didn't have best friends growing up.
5. The city or town you love most.
Cape May, NJ, Charlottetown PEI and Camden Maine
6. How do you spend hot days?  In air conditioning!
7. Are you a skilled cook or baker?
I am a good cook and I can make good pies.
8. One thing you wish you could currently do.
Make diaramas for  a train set.
9. A time when you learned your lesson
There are so many. Most involve paying attention more.
10, What consistently makes you laugh
Fun movies and programs. Zorro the Gay Blade made me laugh a lot.
11. Routines that bring you calm and peace.
Praying, exercising.
12. Who annoys you the most?
Karens and they are out in full force nowadays
13. Describe some of your favorite household items.
Wooden utensils, my crock pot, my dusters
14. What have you gotten better at?
Trying to pay attention to things more. I think I have improved a bit.
15. Share a random memory.
I went to apply for a job and had to take a bus. A snow storm came up and I was not dressed for it. I fell and tore my stockings badly. ON the way home my dress had hiked up under my coat and a car wet me with melted snow. I was a hot mess.
16. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
about 8
17. Who do you go to for encouragement?
God is the only one. Sometimes my kids are encouraging.
18. References you make that others don’t get.
Latin phrases, anthropology stuff.
19. What are 10 things you consider essential for you?
family, shampoo, my books,my piano, nice soap, being outside, having things to do, photos of the kids, studying, playing games.
20. Is there any accent you wish you had?
I like the one I have really, not that it's great but it's what I have.

I will have Tuesday 4 up tomorrow. I have been just wiped out since being in the hospital for a few days. Bear with me please.


  1. #12 Karen’s. The perfect answer with what’s been going on this year. Definitely glad I’m Lola and not Karen. I get that it’s really a mindset, or behavior, but I don’t think I’d want to be named Karen. Can you imagine how much crud they get just because their given name is used for memes?

  2. What is your favorite pie? I have never made a pie. Glad you are home now. Take care of yourself!

  3. I appreciated your answers. What is your favorite pie that you love to bake? I guess mine would be apple and pumpkin, but I do love coconut cream pie the way my mother baked it. I've done it a few times too. I am glad you are safely home from the hospital and pray that your strength will be restored and you will be refreshed. Take your time. We aren't going anywhere. We are just thankful you are okay. Have a peaceful day today.

  4. I'm glad you are home. Rest and give yourself time to recover. You had interesting answers as always, but I could tell you aren't quite yourself. I love my crockpot and really need to use it more often than I do. I saw there all kinds of keto-friendly recipes for in it so I'm going to be all over that on the new diet. On your random memory, ugh. I sympathize with being a hot mess on an interview. No torn stockings for me, but I wanted a summer job at one of the BIG theme parks so bad when I was in college that I went for an interview even though I had a temperature of 102! I didn't get the job.

  5. Glad you are at home, take it easy.
    Enjoyed your answers.
    Have a good Sunday.

  6. I learned Latin at school, so (rather geekily) I know a lot of those phrases and what they mean.

    I don't use them though. It's a little pretentious to do so.




  7. What a terrible memory. I would probably laugh about it now, but what a day. I bet you were glad to get home. Loved your answers! Have a nice Sunday!


  8. Good Morning !
    So very glad you are back home ! May your recovery be swift and complete !
    ...remembering Mom's Lemon Meringue Pie and my sister's Apple Pie...hard acts to follow...sigh

  9. ...although Pecan Pie is lovely...Ah , food !

  10. How interesting...making diaramas. And yes, pecan pie is wonderful.

  11. Sorry to hear you've been unwell. I hope you are doing better.

  12. I don't know. De minimus non curat lex seems to be a handy latin phrase. *wink* I about fell out of my chair from laughter over it when it first came around.
    Hope you are back up to snuff very soon and enjoying pies.
    I pray and meditate alot to stay calm. It is a good thing to feel close to God's ear. Should "ear" by capitalized too? hmmm...

  13. I hope you are feeling better soon! I especially liked your answer about the city of town you like the how-tO love Cape May and Camden isn't far from the Island where I grew up. We could look our Windows and see the "Camden Hills".💖

  14. {{{grin}}} Thank you Annie. This really made me smile.


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