Thursday, September 3, 2020

Friday Skies

New Facebook is awful and I am not too fond of this new Blogger interface either. The problem is that when things are updated, they never have fixed old problems first, they just add bells and whistles making things worse than ever.  Fix what you had.. don't create new messes.
I am joining in with Skywatch Friday this week and would love to link to it but Blogger is not letting me so I will do it manually.  Also I cannot highlight things without the entire page scrolling out of control either. So, the new format sucks majorly.
Anyway, here are some photos I hope you will enjoy.. photos that are no longer really easy to adjust in size either. 
Shape up Blogger, this is awful.


  1. Thank you for persisting in linking this post. I used to use blogger for my personal blog but didn't like how they change things so I self host with word press. I use blogger for Skywatch Friday and it is driving me crazy.

  2. Lovely photos!💖 I agree with you about blogger!

  3. Well, at least I noticed they fixed the label tab now so it doesn't take forever to add labels to the post. But other things are awkward and very frustrating. I agree about the Facebook changes too...don't like them either. I guess they are trying to keep us on our toes...or keep us so confused we can't tell when they remove our posts, etc. (FB). Love your pictures and thank you for continuing to post regardless! We can do this! We will not let them drive us away!

  4. Beautiful sky photos Annie. I just posted and I noticed that it is not so easy to center sentences now. I haven't figured out the new way yet but I guess I eventually will. I'm not complaining yet about changes to FB or Blogger as it is a free service. It's allowing me to figure out things. I gather that many people on Word Press blogs pay for the service though I haven't figured out if it is only to avoid advertisement or for others things. Have a lovely weekend. xx

  5. Don't even get me going on this topic (FB and Blogger). Beautiful photos, my friend. smiles

  6. I'm not super fond of the new Blogger either, but I'm working with it. Love your pictures in spite of the problems you had posting them.

    Have a great weekend.

  7. When you are on the Blogger design page, click on the "revert to legacy blogger" down on the left side. You don't have to use the new version.
    I would love to be at the coast right now, and not just because the temperatures here are over 100!

  8. I don't want to say anything for fear of getting "jinxed", but New Blogger has been kind to me (so far). Only one major glitch, which mysteriously disappeared and hasn't happened again. Beautiful photos, and have a great weekend!

  9. You can revert to the classic 9Old )blogger. I did!

    1. Yes, I did as well :) But it changed back a few times. Hopefully they will relent and let it stay classic.

  10. I reverted back to the classic old blogger too. But, I don't understand why anything needs to be changed. It is getting harder to blog for senior's.

  11. Beautiful sky-scapes ( there are landscapes , seascapes and so...) !
    you bring us such beauty... Thank you !
    Have a splendid day !

  12. Beautiful pictures Annie, I love your place by the sea!


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