z Cottage by the Sea : September
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


I am late in doing my own Tuesday 4. It was a busy Tuesday with company and I've been keeping a low profile for the last week anyway. 
Here is my entry for Tuesday 4 on Wednesday!

1.What memories does September bring back to you of school, autumn, songs, movies? Would you share with us?
 I find songs about September nostalgic. See you in September, September by Earth Wind and Fire, Autumn Leaves.
I think of You've Got Mail as well.
I remember the dreams on nights before going back to school where I was in pajamas and forgot to get dressed for school!
I like getting new pencils and notebooks for school and maybe a pair of new shoes.

2. September is the first of what are called the "ber" months. and the end of summer and beginning of autumn. Which do you enjoy more, summer or autumn and why?
When I was in school I liked summer since school was out from June to September. When school was finished, I liked autumn best for its jewel colors and lovely chill in the air.

3.Have you ever gone apple or pumpkin picking or gone into a corn maze? What was that like?
 I pick apples in my own yard because I have an apple tree in the front yard but I've never gone picking or to a pumpkin patch in my life or to a corn maze either.


4.Are fall weekends different for you than summer weekends? What do you enjoy in autumn?
⁠Yes. In autumn I spend more time at the beach and boardwalk than in summer because the tourists and snowbirds go home!  
I enjoy the color and weather of autumn, especially if it gets very chilly. I love wearing sweatshirts, sweaters ,etc.  I do more eating outside in autumn than in summer too which is the reverse of when I was a kid. As a kid my dad made us hamburgers outside a lot in summer. Now we eat outside more in the fall! 

Thanks for joining in and thank you for stopping by to visit!


  1. Oh yes, I loved getting new pencils and notebooks and shoes, and maybe even a new outfit to wear on the first day of school, although often it was a "fall outfit" that was actually too hot to wear here until about October. But I wanted to wear it anyway because it was "new". And sometimes by October I'd grow out of it! LOL. I love that you have your own apple tree! That would be wonderful! I tried to grow an apple tree at our last house because it said it was the kind that would grow in Florida. It got lots of blossoms, and I think a couple of very small apples, but they never grew big enough to eat. Yes, we also eat outside more in the fall because it is just too hot in the summer. I hope you will have a lovely September! Thank you for doing the Tuesday 4!

  2. Yep on the school supplies and clothes. We eat outside more in the fall too. I think I am going to start keeping a lower profile on FB. I have had enough really...have a great day friend.

  3. I loved getting new supplies when I was a kid, nothing like a brand new box of crayons! I see we have opposite seasons for tourists. I wish they were here in the hot summers instead of during out nice weather months. It used to be only for the winter, now the only time they go home is in the summer months - ugh! Have a happy September and enjoy fall :)

  4. Oh, yes, I love Fall too. Bet your place is so pretty after the heat leaves. We can't grow apples in this part of the world. Too hot. It would be wonderful to have a grove of them.
    When I was a kid, I even enjoyed going to school, but that's because my home life wasn't real happy but I also saw great value in education. It was my ticket out. This time of year conjures up many happy memories of being away from home. School was an escape from the abuse, hate and fear. When I gave my heart to Jesus, that all changed for me. He gives us such strength to overcome the wickedness that can surrounds us, if we let Him.
    Have a beautiful day! xx

  5. Hi Annie, I love your new blog layout! I have a lot of fall blinkies and goodies at my webhome. I need to put some on my blog when I switch to fall theme. You should do a Tuesday 4 on sharing fall decorations. I hope to start decorating next week. Grilled hamburgers sounds good but it is way to hot right now for grilling!

    1. That's a great idea to share decorations Susan!! I will give that a try in a couple weeks. Thank you.

  6. Oh yes, I remember, new pencils and tablets and always a new dress for the first day of school. I love this time of year and it's only going to get better, weather wise that is!! We do more outside in the fall and spring, it's just too hot for outside activities during our summer.

  7. There is a beauty to each season...much to be grateful in each day .
    We are grateful to you , my friend , for all you are and all you do for us !
    Be safe and well...


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