Monday, October 26, 2020

Reading Part Deux

 Welcome to Tuesday 4! Thank you for your participation in keeping the meme alive in remembrance of Toni Taddeo. 

 Let's continue with Reading this week, shall we?
1.Kindle or hard cover/paper back?  I have a  Barnes and Noble Nook that  a very good friend gave to me as a wonderful gift a few years back.  It's very nice and  it's gotten a lot of use, but  I do prefer books I can hold.  I am thinking of buying a Kindle since Nook is now obsolete and no longer being manufactured and nothing more can be downloaded for it.

2 Have you read a series like Harry Potter and if so which series and what did you think of the stories? Can you recommend them and why? I have not read Harry Potter but I might.  I have read the Little House on the Prairie series and highly recommend it for the history and a good view of the thinking of pioneers of the time. It is  good for adults and well as children. As an adult I recommend you pay attention to how things were done and the attitudes of the time which were thoroughly American but very different from today's mentality..  Don't discount this as nothing more than a children's book series. 

3.Do you have a library, book shelves etc in your home?  My office is a library lined with book shelves and cases. It is going to get a couple more cases very soon actually .

4.Is there a book you just really disliked ? Why did you dislike it?

At the moment I can't think of the book's name but it was from the Anne of Green Gables series by Lucy Maud Montgomery and had a ridiculously bad ending. It was as if she got sick of writing and ended the book any old way. Now, I've done that myself in ghost writing.  I've done about 6 novels now and when I got bored and couldn't come up with a good wrap up, I just wrote some really goofy stuff to make myself laugh. Of course I don't send that to the publisher. But what this does is lighten the mood and clear my head.  Sometimes you just need a good laugh and I find myself laughing to tears over the ludicrous endings  I write. But in this  particular Montgomery book from the Anne series, the ending was just a total waste of time. It was so awful I threw the paperback on the floor!

I'll be back tomorrow which some might consider a threat. 


  1. That little pumpkin on the corner looks very familiar. I read Little House series when I was a kid, and Trixie Belden series too. I bet your office is so cozy. One of the fond memories from my teen years was my childhood home. My parents converted a bedroom into a library. One whole wall was filled with bookshelves. There was a desk and a love seat and chair. I spent lots of hours in there.

    1. Do you know who made that pumpkin? I have no clue and I found it online a few years ago. I miss all the graphics that we used to make for sites. Thats how my office is. One wall is all bookcase and then I have chairs.

  2. Love to read real books ...tucked in cozy with hot tea beside me and good light!
    A book was recently sent to me from a totally forgotten . It was "Little Men" by Louise May Alcott , presented in February 1959 to me by my dear maternal Nana's precious script !Talk about a blast from the past !!
    As to your last comment...threaten all you wish , but PLEASE come back tomorrow !!!

  3. OHHHHHHHHHH I have done that too, thrown the book down or across the room. UGH!---- You've ghost writed? COOL BEANS! Smiles

    P.S. Thanks for the threat of tomorrow, LOLOLOLOLOL.

  4. Yep, I've thrown books on the floor for bad endings too lol!

  5. I hate it when you read through a book and it is pretty good then it has a bad ending. It makes me so mad. Loved your answers. Have a nice week!

  6. What I don't like is a book in a series that ends with a real cliff-hanger and then you have to wait forever for the next book to become available and by then you've forgotten all about the first one and have to go back re-read it. LOL. I love that you have ghost written some books...can't you give us clues about what they are? I'm not sure I even understand the concept of ghost writing...please explain that to us. I enjoyed this Tuesday 4, as you could probably tell by my post. But please give me a real book to read. I just feel like we are overloading with technology as it is. Some things just shouldn't be messed with! LOL.

  7. I highly recommend a Paper White - I resisted one for quite some time also, but absolutely LOVE it now with the look of paper and adjustable display. I also LOVED the Little House on the Prairie series and am always in awe of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her life. To think she was born during the civil war and lived to witness the changing of so many societal view points - women getting the vote... and the invention of so so many modern day convienences - vacuum cleaners, air conditioning, refrigeration, plane travel...

  8. I am a "turn the page, smell the book" kind of reader. I have a Kindle but rarely use it. I have to have a book in my hand. I love reading books in a series. My favorite is the Mitford series by Jan Karon. I have two book shelves cramped with books and some DVDs. I have no more room for any books but that probably won't stop me. As for a book I didn't like - this may surprise some but I began to read "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers and put it down after two chapters. It was so widely recommended but the first two chapters were such downers that I couldn't continue. I understand it gets really good later but I don't think I'll try to find out.


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